Swerve Confections: Delicious, Cannabis-Infused Desserts
These edible offerings from Swerve Confections caught our eye with the combination of cold-water hash and Ayurvedic herbs. Ayurvedic medicine is one of the world’s oldest holistic healing systems and originated in India nearly 3,000 years ago. Swerve’s co-owner Eden Tosch studies the classical lineage of Indian medicines, in which cannabis is featured as one of many healing herbs.
“Like all good medicine, it’s got real power,” Tosch says of cannabis and Swerve’s desire to balance its medicinal effects with those from other herbs.
Swerve’s Snooze Bar, crafted for a satisfying slumber, is medicated with cold-water hash alongside herbs and foods that aide in sleep, like milk, nutmeg and kapikachhu, “which grounds you,” Tosch says.
Each bar contains 200 milligrams of THC, broken down into four 50-milligram doses. Swerve’s Snuggle Bites has the same milligram dosing and are designed for sharing. These bars are specifically formatted to support sexual energy and reproductive health.
“Snuggle bites dive both partners fully into each other,” Swerve co-founder Brian says.
“It’s so good for passion,” Tosch says.
These edible offerings are strong, but crafted for highly functional use. By integrating other Ayurvedic herbs, these medicated treats are crafted for nourishing and encouraging physical and psychological wellness.