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Time to Get Hype It’s 420!

Prepare yourself, the biggest cannabis holiday of the year is upon us.
Photos Gracie Malley for Cannabis Now


Time to Get Hype It’s 420!

Prepare yourself, the biggest cannabis holiday of the year is upon us.

It’s here! The grandest, most celebrated day of cannabis consumption history is upon us and you only get one chance to make it as awesome as it could possibly be. Whether this is your 1st or 50th time getting into the 420 fun, you can always use some tips to help you navigate a hassle-free herbal holiday — even if they’re just friendly reminders of stuff you already know and practice. It never hurts to be prepared!

Check out some of these suggestions and see what will work best for you or pass them onto a friend that might need some help getting their day together.

Prepare Your Consumption Game Plan

You have a lot of options when it comes to how you’ll be celebrating 420 and it’s a good idea to spend some time figuring out exactly how you want everything to go down. Are you planning to smoke? Will you be nibbling on edibles? Do you prefer a tincture? Whatever your game plan is, get your papers or blunt wraps, grab your cannabis-infused gummies or cookies and have everything ready and accessible for when you need it.

Make Plans Early

Don’t assume it’s going to be easy to figure out where to go today just because your city is crawling with events or your friends have texted you about whose house everyone will be going to. You’ll be overwhelmed if you try to wait until the last minute to decide what to do or where to go, especially if you are planning on hitting up multiple places. Do yourself a favor and make a schedule or brief list of times and places, so that you aren’t stressed out when it comes time to make a move.

Be Flexible

A few things are for certain: people change, feelings change and plans change! Save yourself some stress and be prepared with a few additional options in case your original plan falls through for whatever reason. Make sure these alternative choices are just as exciting, that you have a way to get there and home safely and that you won’t feel like you’re missing out on any fun because you went a different route than planned.

Choose Your Own Adventure

You don’t have to go out to a huge festival or crowd into a packed venue if what you really want to do is sit at home on the couch and watch “Steven Universe.” It’s not mandatory to go all out and hit up every dispensary, day party, and after hours dance spot. If you know you’re going to be miserable sitting out at the park all day resist the urge to get caught up in the 420 hype and make plans to have the kind of day that actually suits you.

Don’t Over-Do It

If you’re in the right places, there is going to be cannabis everywhere around you all day and it’s going to be up to you to pace yourself like the responsible adult that you are. Eating more edibles in a short period of times is not going to get you higher any faster and smoking hella blunts will just leave you ready for an intense nap instead of a night out. Although many people will indulge more than usual, think about what you normally consume one sitting or one day and at least try to keep it somewhere in the same range.

Resist the Urge to Experiment

When 420 rolls around, everyone becomes the ultimate sharer — especially if you’re out and about where there are large gatherings of people. Friends and strangers alike will most likely be passing around joints, blunts, treats and other stuff, but if you’re not familiar with something, it’s best not to experiment just because you are feeling pumped and little emboldened just because it’s a special day. If you find that your curiosity is just too strong, then do yourself a favor and start small and vow not to go full monty until you are certain how you will be affected.

TELL US, how are you celebrating today?

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