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The Cannabis Now Guide to Summer

summer guide to cannabis
PHOTO Gracie Malley for Cannabis Now


The Cannabis Now Guide to Summer

Curious about the best summer strains, ideas for edibles to beat the heat or ways to spice up your summer sesh? We’ve got you covered.

Summertime is here which means it’s a good idea to get outside and enjoy the sunshine while it lasts — the days are only getting shorter from here on out. For cannabis the enthusiasts, we’ve put together a guide of all things summer. The best strains, essential edibles, summer sesh ideas, a cannabis grower’s account of the Summer of Love and even cultivation tips for your grow in the summer months.

strains of summer
PHOTO IC Collective

READ: Strains of Summer

Gear up for the summer with this fantastic list of sunny strains. All of these picks are absolute heavy hitters, and we’re sure you’ll love any of them you’re able to get your hands on.

A tortilla chip is dipped into a heaping bowl of super lemon haze Mexican guacamole.
PHOTO Tyler Kittock

READ: Perfect Picks for Summer Picnics & Potlucks

 Picnics are a fun way to get all your friends together to spend time soaking up the warm weather while eating and drinking delicious stuff that everyone has brought to share with one another.

Check out some of these ideas for things you can make to bring to a picnic, potluck or social occasion where bringing edible to share is appreciated.

PHOTO Joey Ito

READ: Three Ways to Spice Up Your Summer Sesh

It’s summer — the perfect time to explore new things, starting with seshing strategies! With so many options available in some places and so few in others, cannabis can definitely inspire creativity starting with the ways that it can be consumed. Here are a few simple suggestions to get started.


READ: Discovering Cannabis: The Summer of Flowers

The Summer of Love sets the stage for a lifelong relationship with cannabis. Read grower Nikki Lastreto’s experience during 1967’s Summer of Love in San Francisco and how it altered her life’s trajectory.

Summer Care: Pest Management and Crop Maintenance

Just because plants are safely in the ground does not mean the grower’s work is done. Molds, fungi, insects and harmful bacteria can ruin a crop long before harvest, but with a little extra planning in the hot months the organic horticulturalist can create a miniature ecosystem filled with beneficial organisms to fend off the worst garden offenders. Follow these tips during the summer months to ensure a problem-free garden in the fall.

TELL US, how are you adding cannabis to your summer?

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