Search results for "texas"
Joint Opinions
Despite Studies, Florida Law Enforcement Still Lying to Public
May 23, 2014Despite a lack of a legalization initiative on the California ballot this year, I have been...
Dallas Buyers Club
April 26, 2014Academy Award Best Picture nominee Dallas Buyers Club generated more than just Oscar buzz, but also...
Michigan Plans to Implement Roadside Saliva Tests to Bust Stoned Drivers
April 23, 2014Michigan lawmakers are hell bent on supporting zero-tolerance police tactics that will ultimately make life much...
Study: Enactment Of Medical Cannabis Laws Not Associated With Higher Crime Rates
April 17, 2014The enactment of medical cannabis laws is not associated with any rise in statewide criminal activity...
Research Confirms Legalizing Medical Marijuana Does Not Increase Crime
March 28, 2014Researchers at the University of Texas published an article in PLOS ONE today that indicates that...
Law Enforcement Against Prohibition: The Cops that Are Our Friends
March 12, 2014“Not one of the stated US drug policy goals of lowering the incidence of crime, addiction,...
Stephanie Williams: We Are Moving to Colorado to Save Our Daughter’s Life
March 10, 2014Photo taken from the Hope For Shania Facebook Page with caption: “12 minute seizure today. Thankfully...
Joint Opinions
I Am Serving a 10-Year Mandatory Minimum for Marijuana in Colorado
March 9, 2014Oh, the joy and heartbreak of being here in Colorado. It is somewhat ironic that the...
Joint Opinions
Blue Collar Cannabis Economics
February 13, 2014Way back during the Vietnam War days when I was just a sprout, I avoided Vietnam...
How Hemp Plastics Could Save the Economy While Saving the Planet
February 12, 2014Far out in the most desolate, virgin blue waters of the Pacific Ocean is a post-apocalyptic...
Alaska: The Next State to Legalize Recreational Sales?
January 30, 2014On January 8, the Alaska Campaign to Regulate Marijuana submitted roughly 46,000 signatures—a whopping 16,000 more...
Inside the Micro-Economy of a U.S. Federal Prison
January 17, 2014Here is how it works—the real money end of prison is pretty straightforward and simple. We...
Obama Administration Expands Mandatory Sentencing Reform
September 25, 2013The Justice Department is expanding its recent mandatory sentencing reform. Last month, Attorney General Eric Holder...
In The Magazine
CaliFresh Infusions
July 2, 2013The makers of CaliFresh, a new line of THC-infused edible accessories, sure know how to mix...
Cannabis Publications Push Back On Porn In Federal Lawsuit
June 8, 2013Booksellers and cannabis publications are pushing back at Colorado’s plans to hide cannabis magazines with porn...
In History
History of Marijuana in America
March 16, 2011Marijuana inherits its name from Mexico, although it has a past steeped with global tradition. Long...