Banned Buds Week: LSD
Oregon puts kibosh on Girl Scout Cookies, Charlotte’s Web, 18 other strain names that they say “appeal to children” – but only the names. We’re highlighting these strains in a series we call Banned Buds Week.
Fifty years after its namesake was first outlawed by the state of California, the famed cup-winning medical cannabis strain LSD is now among the list of strain names banned in Oregon just days before legal adult-use distribution points are set to open.
While many of the hype-strains of moment will be debated endlessly on assorted forums and Instagram, LSD has a very traceable history involving the great breeders of the Old World. She is a pairing of two super heirloom families of cannabis being the offspring of Original Skunk #1 x Afghan Indica. Original Skunk #1 is the grandfather of many of the cannabis hybrids we see today. It’s the Afghani indica brought back by the hippies smoking hashish in Afghanistan, crossed with some fine Western Hemisphere genetics which were Colombian and Mexican sativas, the latter being lauded in through the ages as Acapulco Gold.
It wasn’t just the ingredients, the master chefs in this endeavor were Derry and the team at Barney’s in Amsterdam. Through their long-proven breeding process they’ve produced 30 cup winners in Amsterdam over the last decade with LSD placing first in the Indica Cup in 2008. That number doesn’t include the number of cups other folks have won using their genetics on the U.S. cup circuit over the years, which would easily put them close to triple digits.
In its effects, LSD falls in the always appreciated indica-dominant hybrid category. While some Afghani based strains may come with a bit of couchlock, you won’t have to worry about that with LSD. The Mexican and Colombian sativa accents are there in force. Don’t get me wrong, it’ll do the job on light aches and pains, but you’re more likely to just start having a good time rather than notice it kick in. For flavor, expect a less scratchy on the throat pure Kushiness to it, with a light sweet tropical overtone easily separating it from its vast number of Afghani peers.
A LSD flower cycle can be pulled off in about 9 weeks and you can expect them to get about 3 feet tall in a standard personal cultivation setting. While it isn’t the strain for those hunting CBD, it is rocking pretty hard on the THC side of things. It has been seen at reputable clubs in California testing in at 26 percent THC, slightly north of the 25 percent advertised. The bud structure will have a bit of a stretch to it, but still be considerably denser than other strains this cerebrally active like a Trainwreck or Super Lemon Haze. Get ready to make some hash, the only more kiefed out strain I’ve personally ran into is Amnesia Haze, its sister over at Barney’s.
No matter what happens to the name of this strain at the end of the Oregon Trail, LSD will always be considered great cannabis.
What’s your favorite strain?