Search results for "THC"
Arizona’s Flip-Flopping Stance on Marijuana and PTSD
August 30, 2014It’s been a great year for supporters of cannabis decriminalization. Both Colorado and Washington began selling...
The Federal Government is Looking for Pot Farmers
August 29, 2014There’s no need to reread that headline. Although it may seem like some sort of cruel...
Sungrown Daze
August 26, 2014Photo by Park Ranger Summer light deprivation season has ended and the long season cannabis flowers...
In History
Wales Becomes First in U.K. to Approve Sativex on the NHS
August 21, 2014Following the approval from the Health Minister and recommendation from the All Wales Medical Strategy Group...
Joint Opinions
Get Higher with Less: 5 Easy Ways to Maximize Your Stash
August 18, 2014There are two major factors that contribute to cannabis consumers’ drive to maximize their stash: high...
Industry Events
Chalice Cup 2014
August 16, 2014By Alaina Garcia First pulling up to the first annual Chalice Cup, hosted by Hitman Glass,...
Industry Events
Hundreds Gather for Medical Marijuana Forum in Minnesota
August 15, 2014Known for its “10,000 lakes,” The Twin Cities, and The Mall of America, Minnesota may be...
Joint Opinions
Charlotte’s Web Is More Brand Than Strain
August 12, 2014The latest catchphrase to grace the pages of medical marijuana legislation in the United States is...
Joint Opinions
Medical Marijuana Means No Day Care In Oregon
August 8, 2014In a brazen show of discrimination, a special meeting took place in Salem, Ore. this week....
CBD Laws and Epidiolex
August 4, 2014The expanding number of CBD-only medical marijuana laws is setting the stage for some dramatic changes...
Marijuana Legalization: The Financial Impact
August 1, 2014By Michael S. Rothman Cannabis has long been considered less harmful and less addictive than other...
New Federal Bill May Legalize Some Strains
July 31, 2014Although there have been major milestones in the political realm of cannabis legislation, there are still...
Industry Events
Activism and Industry Meet at the State of Marijuana
July 30, 2014Cast against a backdrop of the Hollywood sign, cannabis activists and entrepreneurs gathered in Los Angeles...
Summer Edibles to Beat the Heat
July 30, 2014Summer is officially upon us and whether you’re slaving away under growing lights, hiking in the...
Trend to Watch: Marijuana Spa Treatments
July 27, 2014There’s nothing like a day at the spa. There are only a few things that can...
A Pound’s Journey: How Harborside Health Center Handles the World’s Largest Stash
July 18, 2014Every single gram of bud, drop of tincture, crumb of medible, bottle of soda, swab of...
Cannabis-Infused PBR Fondue
July 13, 2014The novel idea of using PBR instead white wine for a fondue night in Golden, Colo.,...
In History
First CBD Law in Nation Goes Into Effect
July 12, 2014The first CBD-only medical cannabis legislation went into effect in Utah on July 8 as the...
Industry Events
Waiting to VapeXhale: A Journey into the EVOlution of Cannabis Competitions
July 11, 2014Every year, thousands of cannabis enthusiasts flock to cannabis competitions, which are gaining momentum in the...
Joint Opinions
Celebrating 7/10: Dab Day
July 10, 2014No, apparently having one day set aside to celebrate the wonders of cannabis isn’t enough. Now,...