Hemp Seed Meal Approved for Chicken Feed
The Hemp Feed Coalition and IND HEMP reach monumental milestone with passing of vote to approve Hemp Seed Meal for laying hens.
Although hemp seed ingredients such as hemp protein, hemp seed oil and hemp hearts have been approved for human consumption and in the marketplace for over two decades now, they haven’t been approved for feeding to animals. That is, until now. The Hemp Feed Coalition (HFC) is a nonprofit group that’s been working relentlessly to obtain federal approval for the use of hemp grain products in animal feed, a twofold mission that aims to protect the health of animals as well as the expansion of the hemp industry. Their hard work is finally paying off.
On August 7, at the recent Association of American Feed Control Officials (AAFCO) Annual Meeting in San Antonio, Texas, 48 states voted to approve Hemp Seed Meal (HSM) for chickens; two states didn’t cast votes. This decision follows the FDA-Center for Veterinary Medicine’s (FDA-CVM’s) recommendation for approval, as well as the Ingredient Definition Committee and AAFCO Board’s prior consent. This latest approval marks the final step in the process, which means the tentative definition of Hemp Seed Meal for laying hens as a protein and fat source will beadopted into the AAFCO official publication later this year and permitted for commercial use immediately.
“With the passing of this new definition, HFC can officially put the feather in our cap as the first and only organization that has successfully walked the federal path to get our foot in the door with animal feed,” said Morgan Tweet, Executive Director of the Hemp Feed Coalition and CEO of Montana-based IND HEMP, the leading industrial hemp processor. “We could only have done this with the support from our US hemp grain processing partners, our dedicated board of directors and scientific partners. It took all of us over the last four years with an unwavering commitment to bring this nutritious product to market. We’re ready to get to work on the next ingredient and next species.”
Proven Health Benefits of Hemp Seed Meal
This historic milestone will allow processors to formulate chicken feed with Hemp Seed Meal as a source of protein and fat at an inclusion of no more than 20%. HSM is a highly nutritious ingredient with essential vitamins, minerals, healthy oils and a complete protein profile, offering similar benefits to soy and canola. Research has shown that hemp-fed hens lay eggs enriched with essential fatty acids and other beneficial nutrients, consequently improving egg quality.
The safety of HSM has been validated through FDA-CVM’s rigorous evaluation, providing formulators and feed mills assurance that HSM is a safe and viable protein and fat source. Data also verified that any potential cannabinoid contaminants did not transfer over to human food product.
“This is a giant step forward for the hemp industry,” says Trey Riddle, chief strategy officer at IND HEMP. “For years, farmers and industry members have worked together to show that Hemp Seed Meal is entirely safe and nutritious for animals. This approval will enable greater commercialization of hemp as we begin to address part of the enormous hemp seed market.”
Hemp Seed Meal Promotes Sustainability

The approval of HSM for animal feed is a significant step towards improving efficiencies in US feed supply chains and promoting sustainability in agriculture. Farmers interested in growing hemp now have a new market opportunity. Feed mills and formulators have eagerly awaited this approval, having recognized the potential of hemp feed products long ago. Some crops that are increasing in popularity such as hemp bring benefits to soil, disease control and farm flexibility. Hemp in particular has lower input needs, which results in a more sustainable supply chain overall.
“Hemp’s integration into animal feed is a catalyst for agricultural advancement. It’s an opportunity for farmers to diversify with lower risk, for supply chains to become more sustainable, and for the entire agricultural community to reap the benefits of this versatile crop,” states Andrew Bish, president of HFC and COO of Bish Enterprises, a company rooted in agricultural innovation.
Riddle of IND HEMP adds that in select regions like Montana the stalk (or straw) of the hemp plant can be used for various fiber applications, from car parts to construction material.
“Upcycling the residual straw further cements hemp as one of the most sustainable crops to grow,” he says. “Hemp is unique in this aspect in that it sequesters tons of carbon dioxide from the air, storing it in both the soil and the stalk of the plant. Its lack or reduced need to use pesticides compared to other crops also ensures our farm lands have the best chance of staying healthy.”
Strong Partnerships Drive Innovation

The collaboration between IND HEMP and the Hemp Feed Coalition highlights the importance of partnerships in driving innovation and progress in the agricultural industry. IND HEMP played a crucial role in providing safe and high-quality hemp grain products for the approval process.
Following the vote, IND HEMP announced the launch of their Hemptana branded ‘Optimal Omega’ Laying Hen Feed, which incorporates hemp seed meal in a 17% protein high omega layer formula. Their dedication to producing top-notch hemp products and commitment to sustainability in agriculture have been instrumental in advancing the use of hemp in animal feed.
“We are excited to be a first mover with this ingredient, and the launch of our Hemptana branded product demonstrates that not only is this ingredient viable for formulation and commerce as a branded product, but also that there are companies like IND HEMP who produce and supply this material at scale, tested to the specifications of the ingredient definition,” Tweet shares. “We are ready and motivated to work with and support formulators, brands and nutritionists in incorporating hemp seed meal into laying hen rations across the nation.”