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Seven Pounds of Marijuana Shipped to Wrong Address

Photo Gracie Malley for Cannabis Now


Seven Pounds of Marijuana Shipped to Wrong Address

Whoops! You really got to double check that address — especially when you’re shipping over three kilos of cannabis. The professional toy reviewer who received the package couldn’t find a return address, so she just called the cops. Bummer.

It’s a fact: child’s toys are often very cool. (They must be; otherwise the adults who stockpile action figures and other kids’ stuff like survivalists hoarding canned food would be colossal losers—and that simply cannot be.)

Whether marijuana use improves your time with a pile of Legos is a matter of personal preference, though there are certainly many of us who claim toys and cannabis are fine complements.

Which may be the best possible explanation why someone mailed a toy reviewer based in upstate New York — a fully grown adult and a total teetotaler who claims to never smoke or drink — seven pounds of marijuana.

Albany-based CBS-6 reports that Pamela Marks, a seasoned reviewer of child’s toys and clothes, was expecting a package from a California-based toy company called JAKKS Pacific.

As she told ABC News, this was just one of 3,500 packages of toys she’d received since starting a toy-review blog two years ago. This one was different: it smelled like weed. And lo, weed it had —  enough to supply a hippie house for the better part of a year.

Marks did the legal thing and called the cops, who arrived and seized the stash. (Somewhere, a stoner who also likes toys just died a little inside. The universe is cruel.) She had denied all involvement, and swears this is the first time anyone has mailed her weed. We tend to believe her—she called the cops, after all. Nobody’s cover is that deep.

As for where it came from and why? Nobody seems to know. Both the local sheriff’s office and the toy company say they’re conducting investigations.

A JAKKS spokesman told ABC that the company is taking the situation “very seriously.”

JAKKS makes toys with licenses from Star Wars, Disney, Batman, and other recognizable brands adults (and kids) know and love for sale at retailers including Target and Wal-Mart.

JAKKS did have a tough 2016, though in recent filings it promised investors things would soon turn around. And, as we’d like to politely point out, the illegal drug trade is lucrative. 

At the same time, the drugs originated in California, where cannabis is plentiful enough for the price of a pound to drop below $1,000. At some point, you do get bored–even stoners want a new toy every now and again.

TELL US, have you ever received weed in the mail by accident?

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