Search results for "prop 19"
Texas Governor Legalizes MMJ Program That No One Can Use
June 5, 2015Photo courtesy Cannabis Culture Although Texas Governor Gregg Abbott signed a bill legalizing the distribution and...
Patients Over Profits: Help Save WAMM
May 28, 2015Photo courtesy WAMM The non-profit farm that defiantly distributed cannabis on the steps of city hall...
Joint Opinions
Why California Legalization Is More Unified than It Seems
May 22, 2015California’s movement to legalize the adult use of cannabis in 2016 is both tremendously important and...
Joint Opinions
2015 Could Be the Year for Cannabis in Texas
May 15, 2015While Texas lawmakers have often been viewed as a bunch of bible-thumping conservatives in cowboy hats...
Joint Opinions
Congress Turns their Back on Veterans Once Again
May 10, 2015Congress has once again turned its back on military veterans, with the majority voting against a...
Industry Events
A Ganjier at the Green Oasis
May 9, 2015On a map, the distance from Los Angeles to Indio where the massive music festival that...
Fiorina & Carson: Republican Presidential Hopefuls Against Cannabis
May 6, 2015Carly Fiorina and Dr. Ben Carson have announced they’ll see join the already-crowded field of Republicans...
Modest Federal Bill May Repeal Prohibition Nationwide
May 5, 2015A clever group of bipartisan lawmakers may have just introduced a small piece of legislation that...
A Closer Look at Washington’s Medical Marijuana Bill
May 4, 2015Photo by The Dank Depot The original medical marijuana system in Washington state has been a...
Joint Opinions
On Science and Ideology: Why the Feds Aren’t Going Far Enough On Cannabis Policy
April 30, 2015Many Americans are excited about the federal bill to legalize medical cannabis nationwide. If passed, the...
Sanjay Gupta’s Weed 3: The Marijuana Revolution
April 24, 2015Doctor Sanjay Gupta, CNN’s chief medical correspondent, shed light on the politics encompassing the realm of...
Presidential Hopeful Chris Christie Vows to Shut Down the Cannabis Industry
April 23, 2015If the latest presidential hopeful is handed the keys to the White House in 2016, the...
Colorado May Have To Return Marijuana Taxes
April 22, 2015After only one short year of legalized recreational marijuana sales, the state of Colorado has done...
Film Review: Bringing it Home
April 10, 2015The makers of the pro-hemp documentary film “Bringing It Home” are on a mission to show...
In The Magazine
The Endocannabinoid System for Beginners
March 29, 2015In the future, perhaps 20 years from now, cannabis-based medicines will have a prominent place in...
Cannabis Cultivation in Jeopardy in Santa Cruz
March 24, 2015Photo courtesy of Fed Up Freedom Santa Cruz, the figurative birthplace of California’s collective cannabis gardening...
Medical Marijuana Defeated by Single Vote in Utah Senate
March 10, 2015A bill that would have brought much-needed medicine to patients in Utah was defeated by a...
Kush Goes Kosher
March 3, 2015Things are starting to look up for the nearly 6.5 million Jewish citizens currently living in...
Industry Events
ICBC: Legal Marijuana’s Future Starts in California
February 25, 2015Investors and entrepreneurs in the budding legal cannabis industry met in downtown San Francisco at the...
Colorado Gov: Regulatory System is Beginning to Work
February 5, 2015In Colorado Governor John Hickenlooper’s 45-minute State of the State Address, he covered topics such as...