Search results for "outdoor growing"
Cannabis Is a Plant: UC Berkeley Botanical Garden Hosts Lecture Series
February 5, 2018The first installment of the lecture series on cannabis science covered the benefits of sungrown cannabis...
Current Events
California Faces Potential Legal Marijuana Shortage
January 15, 2018Industry insiders in San Francisco and Los Angeles are nervously eyeing local licensing delays for cultivators...
The 12 Days of Kushmas: 6 Plants a-Flowering
December 18, 2017On the sixth day of Kushmas, my true love gave to me: six plants a flowering!...
2017 Harvest Hype: The 5 Strains We’re Most Excited For
October 16, 2017The 2017 outdoor cannabis harvest has arrived and it’s filled with more exciting flower than ever.
Phantom Farms: Cultivation in the Pacific Northwest
October 9, 2017This organic Oregon cultivator conjures up hauntingly high-grade cannabis.
What’s the Deal With All This Light Dep Cannabis?
September 25, 2017Light deprivation isn't a new cultivation technique, but there's been a pronounced spike in its use...
Supermodel Seeds: Grown Under the Oregon Sun
August 23, 2017Cultivation and breeding experts Supermodel Seeds have a created a sungrown haven in the newly legal...
Lighting Up With Emerald Mountain
August 12, 2017Oregon photographer takes vivid cannabis photographs by paying close attention to his environment.
Testing Company: Ohio College Ready to Host Pot Testing Lab
August 9, 2017A recent announcement by a company eager to offer testing services to Ohio's emerging medical cannabis...
Capturing Cannabis
July 23, 2017A book featuring beautiful cannabis gardens in Northern California.
When Helping Grandma’s Aches Turns Into an Emerald Cup Victory
June 29, 2017A home remedy made for grandma wins a prestigious cannabis award.
Industry Events
NCIA Cannabis Business Summit & Expo in Oakland: Day One
June 13, 2017The National Cannabis Industry Association kicked off its annual mega-conference in Oakland to the backdrop of...
Joint Opinions
The Drought Days Are Over
June 4, 2017Reflections on the challenges of growing outdoor cannabis.
Home Gardening 101
May 13, 2017When a backyard suburban garden produces enough cannabis to sustain 20 of your closest friends for...
Mendo Dope Drops a New Album Live From the Garden
April 27, 2017Musical duo known for their specialized focus on growing cannabis releases their second album recorded inside...
Supplemental Sunlight + LEDs = Maximum Energy Savings
March 18, 2017The billion-dollar cannabis industry and the constant energy consumption it requires is pushing the U.S. electric grid...
California’s Wine Industry Can’t Hold a Candle to Cannabis
February 16, 2017as cannabis — the Bear Flag Republic's legendary cash crop — gains market legitimacy, wine country...
Humboldt Fights to Survive – Meet the Sun Growers Guild
February 14, 2017Humboldt has long been associated with magnificent marijuana, but the expansion of corporate cannabis has some...
The Many Appellations of Marijuana Country
February 13, 2017The concept of "terroir" is central to wine making — and branding. Now California cannabis, already...