Search results for "cancer"
Chile Gets One Step Closer to Legalizing
July 9, 2015Chilean lawmakers approved a major piece of legislation earlier this week, which would essentially legalize the...
Minnesota Launches Restrictive MMJ Program
July 1, 2015The state’s cannabis producers believe the attitudes of everyone involved, from lawmakers to doctors, will change...
GW Pharma Relocates President, CEO to U.S.
June 29, 2015GW Pharmaceuticals will relocate its CEO and president to the U.S. ahead of their American launch.
Georgia’s Cannabis Oil Registry Now Up and Running
June 19, 2015Patients in Georgia can now begin petitioning their physicians for medical marijuana recommendations.
In The Magazine
Cannabis Now Interviews Tommy Chong
June 12, 2015At 76-years-old, Tommy Chong is at the height of his career. It was nearly 40 years...
Louisiana MMJ on It’s Way to Becoming Law
June 6, 2015Photo by Bart Everson Louisiana is on its way to becoming the 24th state in the...
U.S. Senate Approves Historic VA MMJ Bill
June 6, 2015Photo by Kurt Clark The GOP-controlled Senate Appropriations Committee finally approved a plan that would lift...
Cannabis: What About the Children in Illegal States?
May 18, 2015“Any parent in the world would do it, the situation we were in was bleak. We...
NY May Create Emergency MMJ Access for Terminal Patients
May 16, 2015Photo by The Dank Depot New York’s medical marijuana program, known as the Compassionate Care Act...
Fiorina & Carson: Republican Presidential Hopefuls Against Cannabis
May 6, 2015Carly Fiorina and Dr. Ben Carson have announced they’ll see join the already-crowded field of Republicans...
A Closer Look at Washington’s Medical Marijuana Bill
May 4, 2015Photo by The Dank Depot The original medical marijuana system in Washington state has been a...
Joint Opinions
On Science and Ideology: Why the Feds Aren’t Going Far Enough On Cannabis Policy
April 30, 2015Many Americans are excited about the federal bill to legalize medical cannabis nationwide. If passed, the...
Sanjay Gupta’s Weed 3: The Marijuana Revolution
April 24, 2015Doctor Sanjay Gupta, CNN’s chief medical correspondent, shed light on the politics encompassing the realm of...
Feds Admit Cannabis Kills Brains Tumor Cells
April 17, 2015A new report issued from a U.S. government-funded research group called the National Institute on Drug...
In The Magazine
Five Reasons To Vape
March 21, 2015Vaporizing has quickly emerged as the preferred method of cannabis ingestion for new and longtime cannabis...
Medical Marijuana Defeated by Single Vote in Utah Senate
March 10, 2015A bill that would have brought much-needed medicine to patients in Utah was defeated by a...
Study: Marijuana Not Associated with Changes in Brain Morphology
February 27, 2015Photo courtesy A Health Blog A little less than a year ago, researchers from Harvard University...
Expanded Medical Cannabis Bill to be Filed in Utah Senate
February 25, 2015A bill expanding the number of patients able to treat themselves with medical cannabis in Utah...
Bud in the Bible Belt
February 9, 2015Photo of rally in Athens, GA courtesy of Georgia Care Project Many Southern medical cannabis supporters...
Strain Review: Understanding the Power of Full Extract Cannabis Oil
February 1, 2015The potent extract (also known as FECO, Rick Simpson Oil, or “RSO”) is the most potent...