Search results for "outdoor"
Capturing Cannabis
July 23, 2017A book featuring beautiful cannabis gardens in Northern California.
Marijuana Salves, Oils & Topicals for Healthier Skin
July 5, 2017There are many ways to use cannabis topicals.
When Helping Grandma’s Aches Turns Into an Emerald Cup Victory
June 29, 2017A home remedy made for grandma wins a prestigious cannabis award.
Book Review: ‘Idiot’s Guide: Growing Marijuana’
June 25, 2017Big Lit makes a move on America’s new botanical sweetheart — cannabis.
Industry Events
NCIA Expo Oakland: Day Three (Plus Mini Cup Results!)
June 15, 2017Following a night of festivities across the cannabis industry's spiritual home in Oakland, the final day of...
Industry Events
NCIA Cannabis Business Summit & Expo in Oakland: Day One
June 13, 2017The National Cannabis Industry Association kicked off its annual mega-conference in Oakland to the backdrop of...
Joint Opinions
The Drought Days Are Over
June 4, 2017Reflections on the challenges of growing outdoor cannabis.
BAS Provides Bulk Cannabis Oil to CA Market
June 3, 2017California lab produces 60 kilos of cannabis oil per month.
Home Gardening 101
May 13, 2017When a backyard suburban garden produces enough cannabis to sustain 20 of your closest friends for...
Be the Celebration with Canndescent Festival Flowers
May 11, 2017With a unique suite of curated cannabis experiences built around your desired festival experience Canndescent, offers sensory...
Dispensary Review: Farma
May 10, 2017A folk medicine revolution built on scientific research.
Cannabis & Coffee: Hitman Opens Smoke Spot in LA
May 9, 2017Amsterdam-style coffee shop opens in LA.
Arizona Funeral Hearse Proves Pot Smuggling is Not Dead
May 7, 2017A creative smuggling attempt goes wrong at the border.
Mendo Dope Drops a New Album Live From the Garden
April 27, 2017Musical duo known for their specialized focus on growing cannabis releases their second album recorded inside...
Sesh Life: The Rise of California’s Underground Dab Scene
April 3, 2017The phenomenon of the "sesh" has become a major current in cannabis culture, especially in California.
Supplemental Sunlight + LEDs = Maximum Energy Savings
March 18, 2017The billion-dollar cannabis industry and the constant energy consumption it requires is pushing the U.S. electric grid...
Industry Events
High Times Cannabis Cup Canceled On Second Day
March 5, 2017On Sunday, another blow was dealt to the already disadvantaged High Times Las Vegas Cannabis Cup....
February’s Best: the Biggest Hits of the Shortest Month
February 28, 2017It may have the fewest days of any month on the calendar, but February of 2017...