In The Magazine
Magical Butter, Oil and Tincture Maker
When we came across The Magical Butter’s™ booth at the BIG Industry Show in Las Vegas, we knew they were onto something special. This appliance will magically change the face of home cooking in 2013. Making herbal butter the old fashioned way can be a tedious and time consuming task. (Not that we’re complaining, but it’s smell can also permeate the entire house.) This is the number one reason most people don’t make their own edibles.
The Magical Butter™ is a slow cooker on steroids. It’s electric-powered heating element is controlled by a microchip which monitors both time and temperature precisely, ensuring a foolproof method of extracting cannabinoids in oil, butter, or alcohol extract. Loaded within just 5 minutes, Magical Butter takes care of the rest — so it’s not a problem if the chef gets loaded, too. Another bonus, there’s no clean up. Simply press the clean button and ta-da! No muss, no fuss.
Click here to purchase / $174.95
This review first appeared in Issue 6 of Cannabis Now Magazine.