VIDEO: Journalist found guilty of assault during DEA raid
Jose “Alacran” Gutierrez, journalist and marijuana activist brutally arrested during the April 2012 DEA raid on Oaksterdam University, faces eight years in federal prison with the Oct. 4 guilty verdict of assault on a federal officer.
In response to the verdict, California NORML reports Gutierrez is out on probation until his Jan. 10 sentencing and an appeal still remains possible.
Gutierrez was covering the federal raid on Oaksterdam University for Pacifica radio affiliate KPFA when he was beaten and arrested near Coffee Shop Blue Sky, an ancillary dispensary associated with the Oakland, Calif. cannabis college.
The footage of his arrest was recorded and Gutierrez was seen at a hospital following the dispute. He is the father of two young children and is married to Sarah Schrader, an Oaksterdam instructor and longtime activist involved with Americans for Safe Access.