Search results for "drug free america"
Florida: Medical Marijuana Initiative at War with Drug Free America
April 29, 2016The rematch over the legalization of medical marijuana in Florida may actually come down to a...
Drug Free America Concedes on Marijuana (Sort Of)
April 1, 2014The CEO of Partnership at has continually lobbied to run ads criticizing legal marijuana laws...
Joint Opinions
Cannabis Is the Best Fourth of July Drug
July 4, 2024The Independence Day holiday is the best time to smoke weed.
American Workers Need to be Protected for Cannabis Use
September 4, 2023Science must catch up with the social progressions of drug reform or else more workers risk...
How Asian Americans for Cannabis Education is Changing the Narrative
May 25, 2023Ophelia Chong co-founded Asian American Cannabis Education to break outdated stigmas surrounding cannabis and highlight the...
Even Free, Brittney Griner Remains a Political Pawn
December 19, 2022It’s a fairly open secret that Brittney Griner was Putin’s geopolitical pawn when she was in...
The Best THC-Free Gifts for Everyone You Know
December 8, 2022Looking for the perfect gift for your favorite cannabis connoisseur that doesn’t include THC? We’ve rounded...
Industry Events
Blues Brothers Benefit Concert Reels in Over $70k for Cannabis Freedom Movement
October 28, 2021MJ Unpacked’s Oct. 21 event at Mandalay Bay Resort & Casino raised funds and awareness for...
NBA Halts Drug Testing Until Players Return From Coronapocalypse
March 18, 2020The NBA is shutdown and halting drug tests.
It’s Not a Marijuana Free-For-All for Professional Athletes
March 4, 2020MLB memo clarifies players could still be punished for cannabis use.
Industry Events
Rep. Tulsi Gabbard on Federal Cannabis Reform Policies and the War on Drugs
January 25, 2020Presidential hopeful Rep. Tulsi Gabbard (D-HI) will be speaking via Skype at the upcoming International Cannabis...
In History
Legendary Emerald Triangle Freedom Fighter B.E. Smith Dies at 72
January 10, 2020The Trinity County grower, who did time in federal prison for openly cultivating cannabis under California's...
Americans Would Probably Gobble Up Marijuana Edibles If They Were Legal Nationwide
August 15, 2019New study on mice shows an affinity for THC in edibles.
Former Heads of State: Drug Classifications Are All Politics, No Science
June 30, 2019As anyone who’s read the Controlled Substances Act can tell you: duh.
Sen. Schumer Reintroduces Marijuana Freedom & Opportunity Act in Congress
May 17, 2019Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer announced he will reintroduce his bill to remove cannabis from the...
Leading Drug Expert Remains Skeptical About MMJ’s Power to Curb Opioid Use… And Maybe She Should
March 26, 2019Let’s be careful before we try to put a bandaid on a bullet wound, people.
New York City Considers Ban on Pre-Employment Marijuana Drug Testing
February 19, 2019Legislation in New York City may prevent employers from drug testing for THC as part of...
U.N. ‘Shadow Report’ Blasts Drug War as ‘Failure’
October 31, 2018Will the U.N. take heed when it revisits the question of drug policy in 2019?
California Passes Cannabis Equity Law to Help Those Hurt by War on Drugs
October 2, 2018California's Gov. Jerry Brown just signed a bill into law that will create an "equity" program...
America’s Most Famous Pot Prisoner Finishes Parole
August 29, 2018The case of Jeff Mizanskey, who was sentenced to life without parole for cannabis crimes, has...