Recipe: Hong Kong Lavender Sugar Cookies
The recipe for these cookies doesn’t come from “Asia’s World City.” That said, Hong Kong roughly translates to “fragrant harbor,” and the hashy, floral citrus melange at the center of this recipe definitely lives up to that name, lending the flavor a deep, sweet complexity.
Cleanliness is next to godliness in a professional or home kitchen: all great chefs and cooks alike know the importance of keeping a clean and organized kitchen to produce the best dishes possible. Cooking or baking will result in a lot of messy appliances, tools and counter tops, but once a mess is made it should always be cleaned up right away. This reverence for the kitchen is not only for quality control and prevention of cross contamination, but to reinforce the fact that the kitchen is the chef’s personal temple.
Every chef or cook (and yes, there is a difference) should be constantly going through all produce and stock in their kitchen. This will ensure that everything is used up and nothing will go to waste through expiration. You must always think of all your food items as dollar bills, even spices. Wasted food is wasted money, plain and simple. Plus, it’s always fun to try and come up with creative recipes using items that need to be used right away.
Case in point: while cleaning out my personal kitchen, I found a package of sugar cookie mix. Now normally, I highly dislike pre-made “Betty Crocker” type mixes as it takes the pleasure of baking away from me. And most pre-made mixes contain artificial flavors, high fructose corn syrup, soy and some very strange preservatives. This box, on the other hand, was an organic mix from Whole Foods that my husband’s mother picked up and never used.
Inspiration Strikes
This sugar cookie mix sparked a little thought in my brain — not everyone is as adventurous or comfortable in kitchen as professional culinarians, and many people don’t even have the time to bake. Fear not, as there are actually some quality pre-mixed baking items for people who want that convenience.
The following recipe is a quick process that will produce very quick medicated cookies in under 20 minutes. Who doesn’t want that? Plus this strain specific cookie will produce such a flavor that no one would even guess it was pre-mixed for you. Hong Kong is an indica-dominant hybrid that lends a hashy flavor, which compliments the Lavender and lemon zest, creating an incredibly complex flavor — you’ll be smacking and licking your lips in delight.
Enjoy as a little late afternoon treat or as the perfect small dessert after a delicious meal. Lavender Hong Kong Lemon Sugar Cookies are great with milk, chai, Earl Grey tea or English breakfast tea. Enjoy with love, from my kitchen to yours!
Mise en place:
• 1 package organic sugar cookie mix (preferably one that uses 8 tablespoons of butter)
• Hong Kong cannabutter
• 1-2 tablespoons crushed lavender (depending on your taste preference)
• 1 tablespoon almond extract
• 1 tablespoon lemon zest (you can add more if desired for a heavier lemon taste)
• 1 teaspoon vanilla extract
• Sugar crystals to decorate
Follow package instructions but add the above ingredients. Sprinkle sugar onto the top of the cookies before baking then following package instructions for baking. Pull from the oven, cool then enjoy!
If Hong Kong’s THC content tests around 25 percent, 25 percent of 1,000 mg would be 250 mg. Sub the number of your THC percentage and do the math to figure out your desired dosage per cookie for your boxed mix. If you want a smaller dose in this recipe and the recipe yields 12 cookies, make 24 smaller ones instead. If you want a larger dose, make 6 extra large cookies instead.
Strain Substitution:
I would recommend any strains whose terpenes would compliment the hashy spicy flavor of Hong Kong. Hashplant, MK Ultra, and G-13 (the sweeter tasting phenotype) are all great choices. Be creative and have fun with it!
TELL US, have you ever mixed cannabis into a packaged baking mix?