Search results for "MS"
Leading Medical Association Determines Cannabis Is Medicine
July 12, 2015These reports confirm decades of independent study surrounding the cannabis plant.
Video: Introduction to Terpenes
July 11, 2015If you’ve ever thought it was all about the THC, this video will definitely teach you...
Bipartisan Support for Bill Allowing Marijuana Banking
July 11, 2015In an attempt to make banking more accessible to the cannabis industry, a group of bipartisan...
Chile Gets One Step Closer to Legalizing
July 9, 2015Chilean lawmakers approved a major piece of legislation earlier this week, which would essentially legalize the...
Michigan Groups Compete Over Signatures for Recreational Cannabis Petitions
July 8, 2015The Board of State Canvassers in Michigan recently ok’d petitions from two cannabis advocate groups eager...
After One Year of Retail Sales, Washington Rakes In Over $70 Mil in Taxes
July 7, 2015On July 8, 2014, recreational marijuana dispensaries opened in Washington state. Now, nearly a year later,...
Vapor Bong: The Coolest Way to Smoke
July 5, 2015Compared with the camaraderie of smoking marijuana, vaporizing can seem somewhat sterile and impersonal. A vapor...
First MMJ Dispensary Opens in Massachusetts
July 4, 2015After waiting almost three years to be able to purchase their medical cannabis, qualified patients in...
RAW: Rolling Papers With Soul
July 3, 2015Take your joint rolling to the next level with RAW.
Nevada Medical Marijuana Dispensary Launch Delayed Once Again
July 2, 2015It has been a difficult couple of years for Joe LaMarca, owner of the Nevada medical...
Minnesota Launches Restrictive MMJ Program
July 1, 2015The state’s cannabis producers believe the attitudes of everyone involved, from lawmakers to doctors, will change...
New App Connects You With a Medical Marijuana Card And Weed In Minutes
June 30, 2015Weed delivery app Eaze launched a service today that will bring the on-demand economy to the...
Adult-Use Marijuana In Oregon: What You Need to Know
June 29, 2015It has been seven months since Oregon voters approved Measure 91, allowing the state to join...
Vancouver Angers Canadian Officials With Vote to Regulate MMJ Dispensaries
June 28, 2015In a move that complicated an already murky picture of legality, Vancouver City Council voted on...
Feds Want to Analyze Sewer Samples For Marijuana Use
June 27, 2015Citywide pee-tests of sorts are underway in two Washington cities. The University of Puget Sound announced...
Senate Hearing Calls for Federal CBD Medicine
June 26, 2015Senators discussed the importance of developing federal cannabidiol (CBD) medicine in a hearing Wednesday, but also...
Federal Study Finds Stoned Driving Limits Need Adjusting
June 25, 2015Stoned driving may not be as much of a detriment to public safety as originally believed,...
Research Proves Teen Use Doesn’t Increase In MMJ States
June 25, 2015Sorry parents. Sorry lawmakers. Your tall tales of crazed marijuana smoking youth and weed peddlers influencing...
Potency Labels on Edibles Mostly Wrong, Study Finds
June 24, 2015A team led by Johns Hopkins professor Ryan Vandrey, Ph.D, analyzed the THC content of 75...
California Medical Cannabis Bill Passes State Assembly Vote
June 24, 2015The California State Assembly has passed a bill that could set the path towards regulation of...