Colorado Bill Aims to Limit Concentrates and Edibles
Two bills in the Colorado house may set new limits on concentrates and restrict edible sales in Colorado.
Colorado lawmakers were scheduled to begin work on two bills on Thursday. The concentrate bill will aim to set “equivalences” in order to keep the potency of marijuana within range of legal limits, currently residents may possess up to an ounce of marijuana but the law does not specify between an ounce of marijuana flower or marijuana concentrate.
The introductory concentrate bill authorizes the Department of Revenue to contract for a scientific study of the equivalency of marijuana flower in marijuana products as well as prohibiting retail marijuana centers from selling more than an ounce of marijuana flower or one ounce of marijuana equivalent products to a Colorado resident—or a quarter ounce to non-Colorado residents.
Democratic Rep. John Singer, who co-sponsored the bill, has estimated what he feels may be equivalent, as reported by The Denver Post earlier this week:
“An ounce of concentrate is a significant amount — it’s probably close to about 10 times the amount that you would have in an ounce of the flowers…an ounce of concentrate would last most medical marijuana patients probably pretty close to a year.”
Mike Elliott, executive director of the Marijuana Industry Group, a union “founded to protect and promote the marijuana framework inside Colorado,” according to the group’s site, noted his concerns about equivalency standards in The Post.
“It’s kind of like asking a question that doesn’t have an answer,” he said
The edible bill, which was introduced on the same day has proposed a further restriction on edible sales, primarily “prohibiting the addition of marijuana to food products that a reasonable consumer would confuse with a trademarked food product.”
It also prohibits “knowingly adding marijuana to a product that is primarily marketed to children.”
Current laws prohibit selling a marijuana infused product that is part of a current trademarked food product, such as a Milky Way candy bar as well as require all marijuana infused edibles to be sold in opaque child-proof packaging.
Are you a medical marijuana patient? How long would it take you to consume an ounce of concentrate? Tell us in the comments below!