Search results for "drug test"
Joint Opinions
Why Cannabis Businesses Should Care About the #BoycottUline Movement
June 30, 2018The packing and office material supply conglomerate supplies many cannabis businesses.
Work Hard, Play Hard: The Trick to Staying High All Day Long
June 4, 2018Staying medicated throughout the day takes a bit of planning.
Forget the NFL, the NCAA’s Marijuana Policy Might Be Worse
June 1, 2018The NCAA ruled that a Georgia high-school football star was preemptively banned from playing college football...
Pennsylvania Marijuana Patient Jailed
May 1, 2018Yes, medical cannabis users have a responsibility to provide proof of their patient status, but judges...
Joint Opinions
Does Marijuana Legalization Cause Homelessness?
May 1, 2018Anti-cannabis activists such as Kevin Sabet have recently spread the idea that legal cannabis encourages the...
‘Fake Pot’ Outbreak Death Toll Rises to 3, Cases Total Over 115
April 12, 2018Illinois officials have raised the alarm about an outbreak of deaths connected to “synthetic marijuana” —...
The Plight of the Trimmigrant
March 20, 2018A job trimming cannabis used to include obligatory smoke breaks, farm parties and blood buds. Now,...
Texas College Fires Baseball Coach Over Pot Discrimination in Recruiting
March 1, 2018A Texas baseball coach is looking for a new dugout after discriminating against recruits from Colorado...
Olympian Ross Rebagliati: How Cannabis Improves My Training
February 22, 2018Olympic medalist Ross Rebagliati explains how cannabis improves athletic training, what it was like to get...
Medical Marijuana Patients Can Lose Their Jobs for Smoking Cannabis
February 12, 2018Do you smoke weed? Congratulations, you can be legally fired for doing so. This is one...
Doctors Pressure The NFL To Allow Cannabis Use
January 6, 2018A conference on Super Bowl weekend will highlight the issues with prescribing opiates to football players...
Cal NORML Issues Report, Survey on Legalization & Opioid Crisis
November 6, 2017California NORML is working to end discrimination of cannabis users in the workplace.
Joint Opinions
Don’t Look to the Feds For Progressive Answers on Opioids
November 3, 2017Trump administration is out of step with current data on opioids and cannabis.
ACLU Sues Georgia Police for Profiling High Drivers
October 9, 2017A Cobb County police officer is under scrutiny for making drug arrests based on a “hunch.”...
WADA Removes CBD From Banned Substances List
October 5, 2017Professional athletes — from boxers to Olympians — will now be able to heal with CBD...
5 Questions About ‘Weed DUI’ Answered
May 30, 2017Many people assume chemical testing for THC is as simple and reliable as testing for blood...
Virginia Reforms Cannabis Laws, Decriminalizes CBD Oil
March 29, 2017A pair of cannabis reforms were just signed into law, bringing a reduction in penalties and...
Current Events
(Yet Another) Report: Fake Weed Is Real Dangerous
March 17, 2017One tragic irony of cannabis prohibition is that the legal substitutes many people turn to are...
NORML: Stop Firing Workers Who Choose Weed
February 21, 2017A grassroots coalition led by cannabis decriminalization pioneer NORML is fighting to prevent employment discrimination against...
Current Events
The Devil’s Lettuce: Unpacking an Anti-Cannabis Crusade
February 1, 2017With the legislative successes of cannabis decriminalization riding a still-building wave of pro-pot public opinion nationwide, encounters with...