Cannabis-Infused Honey: A Must Have Natural Medicine
Cannabis and honey are both known to have healing properties, so combining these substances is a recipe for good medicine.
Cannabis has antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties. Besides smoking, vaporizing or eating cannabis, various cannabis preparations can also be used topically, if prepared properly. Cannabinoid receptors have been identified in the nerve and mast cells in human skin, another indicator that cannabis can have an effect on skin conditions.
Honey also has antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties, which can vary by its floral source as well as how it was processed. Prior to the discovery of penicillin, honey was well known and often used for its healing properties. As this knowledge is re-learned, more medical practitioners are returning to this simple, natural remedy. The most potent form of honey—Active Manuka Honey—was even approved for wound healing by the Australian counterpart of the FDA in 1999.
Honey is composed mainly of glucose and fructose. Its antibacterial action is due to a naturally occurring hydrogen peroxide, as well as its high acidity and high sugar content. Active Manuka Honey, made with the flowers of the tea tree (Leptospermum), has additional components, including methylglyoxyl, which kills germs through activity not related to hydrogen peroxide.
Some cannabinoids—CBD, THC, CBG—and other non-cannabinoid components of marijuana show antibacterial activity on not only ordinary everyday wounds, but against MRSA, the resistant strain of staphylococcus aureus often referred to as “flesh-eating bacteria.” Likewise, studies of Active Manuka Honey have shown a similar effect. Using honey on a burn or a wound will initially cause a sting, but it works remarkably well to facilitate healing.
Cannabis is well known for stopping nausea and vomiting, as well as slowing down an overactive digestive system. Add to this Active Manuka Honey, which has been shown to decrease bacteria causing stomach ulcers and diarrhea, as well as to assist in rehydration during such an illness—it’s a winning combination.
In some states, you can find mixtures of cannabis honey already prepared. If you would like to make it yourself, remember that cannabis is not soluble in honey, so it first needs to be made into a tincture. Once your tincture is ready, add an equal part honey and then heat to eliminate the alcohol (if using glycerin tincture just mix them together). Despite loss of some nutrients during high temperatures, the antibacterial effects are not lost in this process. Use a double boiler if you have one and make sure there is plenty of ventilation. The potency can be doubled by repeating the process.
The next time you get a digestive upset, a sore throat or a cut, try using cannabis honey rather than Pepto Bismol, cough drops or triple antibiotic.