All posts tagged "Sport"
In The Magazine
The Healer
May 8, 2023Why former hockey star Riley Cote is all in on plant medicine.
Current Events
NBA Ends Cannabis Ban for Players
April 6, 2023Professional basketball is ending its ban on cannabis, according to sources familiar with the terms of...
Joe Montana’s Big Marijuana Investment Is a Safe Play But Still Significant
January 30, 2019Football hero living a second life as a successful investor demonstrates cannabis’ profit potential is outweighing...
Using Xwerks CBD for Athletic Performance
January 10, 2019Athletes push their bodies to the limit, both mentally and physically. Xwerks CBD products are formulated...
How Will Canada’s Recreational Marijuana Law Affect Athletes?
September 21, 2018Cannabis legalization has lead to a number of questions about how the policy will actually work.