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Using Xwerks CBD for Athletic Performance

Xwerks CBD
Photos courtesy Xwerks


Using Xwerks CBD for Athletic Performance

Athletes push their bodies to the limit, both mentally and physically. Xwerks CBD products are formulated to aid recovery and achieve optimum performance.

With less known side effects, many athletes are choosing cannabinol (CBD) over pharmaceuticals alternatives like ibuprofen, cortisol or opiates to treat muscle soreness and swelling.

The U.S. and World Anti-Doping Agencies (USDA, WADA) and the Ultimate Fighting Championship (UFC) are just a few of the groups that allow athletes to use of CBD both in and out of competition as the cannabinoid has been shown to support a multitude of processes in the mind and body.

Products containing CBD, like hemp-derived full spectrum oil from Xwerks, help athletes harness the cannabinoid’s benefits. Here are five of the main reasons Xwerks believes more athletes are incorporating their products into an athletic regimen.

Reduce Pain and Inflammation

Pain is a side effect of being an athlete. Study after study show cannabinoids can be an effective tool for relieving pain and inflammation.

Help Heal Bones

One recent study, published in the Journal of Bone and Mineral Research, suggests CBD can help heal bones and also make bones stronger.


Promote Sleep

Pain disrupts sleep, and lack of sleep makes matters worse. Sleep deprivation is linked to depression and anxiety and slows the body’s rate of recovery. All of those factors directly affect performance.

Xwerks CBD can be used to promote restful sleep by reducing pain and stress levels.

Serve as a Neuroprotectant

A growing body of research shows that cannabinoids, CBD in particular, may help to maintain and regulate brain health. In addition, athletes are looking towards to cannabinoid to help treat trauma caused by blows to the head.

It’s Nutritious and Holistic

CBD is high in antioxidants, which help boost immune systems.

Xwerks CBD products not only contain CBD but the entire array of phytocannabinoids found in hemp. Their organic hemp is grown and processed in Colorado to create CBD oil softgels and CBD oil, designed to provide an athletic edge.

TELL US, do you use CBD products as part of your wellness routine?

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