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Cannabis Now

A Dr. Dabber vapor pen glows blue against a dark background.

In The Magazine

Dr. Dabber

The Dr. Dabber is the easiest to use and most efficient dab tool for both medical and recreational users. It functions similar to other e-cigs and vaporizers on the market; you put your hash, wax or shatter in the medicine chamber and vape away.

What’s different is the producers at Dr. Dabber have perfected the heating coil that creates the vapors, the inhaled vapors are clean, but still thick and full as if you had hit a burning joint — without the telltale scent or burning lungs associated with smoking your cannabis. The flavor of your oil shines with every hit, nothing is ever over-cooked either, you can easily keep scraping the walls of the wax chamber and get every last hit out of your high-end wax.
especially | Jessica Catalano + Cannabis Now Magazine

The Dr. Dabber is discreet, a simple black vaporizer pen, and the starter kit comes fully loaded with charger, dab tool and a cool blue rubber ball you can use to stash your hash.

This review first appeared in Issue 10 of Cannabis Now Magazine, on stands now.

Click here to purchase / $85 – $110

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