LED Company Heliospectra Gains Cannabis Grower Cred
Check out the interview with Pink House Blooms.
Walk into your typical indoor cannabis growing facility filled with high-intensity discharge (HID) lamps and the overwhelming sensation you might feel is one of excessive energy burn. HID lamps pull loads of wattage and radiate intense heat, requiring heavily air-conditioned rooms to keep plants in a comfortable, consistent environment. In a traditional grow space, you can virtually feel the kilowatts racing through the air and the dollars flowing out of the pockets of cultivators. It’s for that reason that more and more growers are considering LED (light-emitting diode) systems, proven to draw less energy and deliver rich light spectrums that can stand up to HID.
Pink House Blooms in Colorado is one pioneering company that recently decided to make the technological leap into LED with Heliospectra lights – and they haven’t looked back since.
“It was never about changing what we were doing, the way we grow,” said Ryan Wankel, head grower at Pink House Blooms. “They simply asked us how they could help make our product better.”
And Heliospectra did just that.
Wankel said Pink House first swapped out 10 HID lights for LEDs, then they quickly bought another 20 after they realized how well the lights worked. They are now close to converting their entire 6,700 square-foot facility to Heliospectra LED grow lights.
“Our plants are healthier, greener and overall more vibrant,” said Wankel, adding that it’s revolutionized their veg system and saved them on average about $3,500 per month in energy bills.
Check out the interview below with Pink House Blooms talking about why they took the leap with Heliospectra LEDs and how it’s meant an enhanced product and money in the bank.
How do you grow your cannabis? Let us know in the comments below.