Recipe: Hashplant Cinnamon Roll Monkey Bread
Whatever method you choose to use one thing is for certain, this is a recipe that you will want to keep going and going!
There are days even the most passionate baker is far too exhausted to lift a finger to create comforting delicious baked goods at home. Most days they may find themselves like the energizer bunny running from one thing to the next then before they know it their drumsticks have fallen out of their hands and they no longer can keep going. They are sprawled out over their proverbial drum and all they want is the insanely delightful taste of medicated cinnamon rolls paired with a cup of black coffee to put a little pep in their step. But alas, their wrists are far too tired and their mind to weary to even put forth the energy to roll out the dough from scratch. So what is a poor rabbit to do?
This recipe is the answer to this question. By combining premade organic cinnamon roll dough with cannabutter it will take all the fuss out of making it from scratch and spinning the baking process around to make it visually stimulating. By the time you unroll the dough, pinch it off into bites, add the cannabutter and pop it in the oven, you will have a charming ooey gooey monkey bread that will delight you with every bite. And in the future you can always make cinnamon roll dough from scratch and then place it into the freezer for the days when your energy levels have hit an all-time low so you can make this recipe.
1 can organic cinnamon rolls or homemade cinnamon roll dough (8 servings worth)
4 tablespoons ginger syrup
2 tablespoons melted Hashplant cannabutter (infused with 2 grams)
Vegetable Spray
1. Preheat the oven to 350 degrees F. Spray the inside of a small bundt pan with the vegetable spray.
2. Take one cinnamon roll and slowly unravel it with your fingers. As it unravels pinch off a small section then roll it and pinch together the ends. This will create a small little ball of dough. Add the dough ball into the bundt pan and repeat this process with all of the rolls. As you are filling up the bundt pan make sure to spread the dough balls evenly to ensure proper baking.
3. Drizzle the ginger syrup and the melted cannabutter over the dough evenly.
4. Bake in the oven for 30 minutes. Pull the monkey bread from the oven and let cool for 20 minutes.
5. Flip the bundt pan upside down and release the monkey cake onto a plate. Drizzle the icing packet that came with the dough to your preference. Enjoy!
Hashplant usually consistently tests at 15 percent THC, fifteen percent of 1,000mg would be 150mg. So if you added 2 grams worth of kief into the total recipe at 15 percent THC it would look something like this: 37.5mg per serving. If you want a smaller dose of cannabis, cut the gram down to one or serve 16 servings instead of eight. 16 servings would contain 18.75mg of THC.
Strain Suggestions:
I would recommend strains that possess earthy, sandalwood, and spice like terpenes and flavonoids. The following would be ideal if you didn’t have Hashplant: Hindu Kush, Maple Leaf, Headband, Harlequin, Spice, or Hashberry. If you cannot find these strains don’t panic, just follow your nose and taste buds to finds strains that would complement the dish.
What edibles are you interested in trying? Let us know in the comments below.