Natural Ganja: Cannabis Curiosities and the Art of the Joint
Not all joints are created equal — and Natural Ganja proves that point with their extravagantly adorned cannabis curiosities.
Naysayers may insist it isn’t as herbonomical as dabbing, but “twaxing” is an undeniably simple and accessible way to enjoy cannabis concentrates. But if the average twaxed joint on IG is a competent but unremarkable Bob Ross landscape painting, the immaculately crafted and meticulously photographed cannabis curiosities by Natural Ganja are old master prints of Rembrandt etchings.
The resulting fusion of sensations and flavors has made “twaxed” blunts and joints wildly popular in the cannabis community, and the stunning appearance of these cannabis creations has made them a consistent photo favorite on Instagram and Massroots.
The mastermind behind Natural Ganja is Antione Vautherot, who is from France but currently resides in British Columbia. He said that he started combining his dual passions for cannabis and photography and very quickly saw a positive response online.
“I started to make pretty pictures of joints and it just went viral on the Internet,” says Vautherot. “Within about two months I had 10,00 followers and I was like ‘Whoa, people really enjoy what I do,’ because I was literally just doing it for myself at the start.” Sharply focused macro photographs highlight colorful leaves arranged in geometric patterns and adorned with wax and shatter. The visual juxtaposition of natural plant elements like pistils, leaves and kief and the deliberate symmetry of ornate touches like braids of shatter gives these joints an alluring and whimsical appearance. And the unusual aesthetics of these ornamental but functional joints suggests underwater vegetation on an alien planet.
Some of the most impressive geometric designs are contained in the business end of the Natural Ganja’s creations, with crowns, stars and suns suggested by the points of purple leaves jutting outward from where you’d light it. Arabesque filigree work in shatter and kief, sometimes accented with spindly pistils, lends a golden luminescence to the aesthetics of these remarkable joints.
“The idea is really just to try to break down barriers and show people you can do other things with weed than just getting high, that it can be an art,” says Vautherot. “I get many people who do not smoke weed that actually are very interested in what I do, because it brings a new image of the product that they’ve never seen before and that speaks to them even though they don’t smoke it.”
Originally published in Issue 21 of Cannabis Now. LEARN MORE
TELL US, have you ever smoked a twaxed joint?