Product Spotlight: HempMedsPX
In light of recent elections and the legalized status of cannabis in some states, the impressive versatility and potential usage of hemp and Cannabidiol (CBD) is a strong platform for debate.
HempMedsPx is a company proud of their sustainably grown, high-CBD hemp cultivars. CBD is a compound found in cannabis that provides the medical effects of the plant without lethargy or dysphoria. It’s an especially appealing treatment option for those seeking anti-inflammatory, anti-anxiety, anti-psychotic and anti-pain effects without feeling stoned.
CBD is a potential treatment for many conditions and, in addition to the stand-alone oil, HempMedsPx offers lotions, shampoos, chewing gum and flavored drops.
A bottle of Cibaderm Hemp Nourish Body Lotion sells on the HempMedsPX website for $39.99. Cibaderm is the name of HMPX’s personal care line, all infused with their Hemp CBD Complex. An 8-ounce bottle of lotion contains 50-milligrams of CBD, absorbed instantly into the skin on application. Lotions heavy in CBD are great for arthritis and anti-inflammation.
Hemp seeds boast high concentrations of skin- and hair-friendly vitamins, including vitamin E, an antioxidant the encourages healthy cell growth; vitamin C, an important building block of collagen for elasticity and tone; and a range of B vitamins with fatty acids that contribute to firmer, healthier skin. Hemp oils’ rich nutritional value can also be attributed to a 3:1 ratio of omega-3 and omega-6 essential fatty acids; this will do more than just clean hair, but reconstruct, coat and protect your hair as well.
The Cibaderm line also offers Hemp Clean Shampoo, sold on the HMPX website in 16-ounce bottles for $39.99. Each bottle contains 10-milligrams of CBD. The shampoo is offered for all hair types, including color-treated hair. HMPX recommends pairing the shampoo with their Cibaderm Hemp Soft Conditioner for best results (also 10-milligrams of CBD in a 16-ounce bottle for $39.99).
CanChew Gum, offered by HempMeds, is the first hemp CBD gum in the world. Each piece offers 10-milligrams of CBD and is a safe, healthy alternative for those suffering chronic pain, anxiety or inflammation. CanChew Gum is offered in 8, 32, 64 and 96 piece packages, with the cost of each piece ranging from $5 to around $3. Offering medicine in a gum delivery system is a novel idea, one we hope will become only more popular.
HMPX also offers Cibdex flavored drops at different concentrations. Currently available flavors include vanilla and peppermint, and the CBD content is offered at 1-milligram or 3-milligrams per serving (the 2-ounce bottle is more concentrated than the 1-ounce bottle). If you’ve just had a root canal, chewing a piece of CanChew is not an option — reach instead for a healthy dose of Cibdex for the same anti-pain and anti-inflammatory benefits. HMPX offers their drops as an everyday supplement.