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VOTE for NORML’s TV Ad to Appear During the Super Bowl

NORML Super Bowl Ad Contest

Current Events

VOTE for NORML’s TV Ad to Appear During the Super Bowl

Intuit Quickbooks is currently running their Small Business Big Game contest, with the grand prize being a professionally produced ad run during the 2014 Super Bowl game.

Intuit Small Business Big Game ContestThe first round of the contest is public voting and we are pleased to say NORML, after just a few short days, has skyrocketed to the most popular submission. Voting for this round ends September 22, 2013.

Together, we the people, are ending America’s war on cannabis. With the recent announcement from the attorney general in Washington DC, we are beautifully positioned to make sure a responsible, adult American citizen is never again arrested for the use of recreational marijuana.

But this doesn’t just happen. Please take a moment of your time to support NORML’s campaign to bring the message of legalization to the masses during the most watched TV program of the year.

The voting process is simple. Click this link and you will be taken to NORML’s entry. Click “Vote for Us” and you’re done (no login, no Facebook connect). Then share with your family and friends via your social media pages including the tag #TeamSmallBiz. Don’t forget that you can vote once a day. Together we can make cannabis legalization a topic of conversation at every Super Bowl party across the country!

If you vote for NORML, we all win.

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