Search results for "Amendment 64 "
Joint Opinions
Breaking Free From Charlotte’s Web
April 23, 2017How Florida Rep. Matt Gaetz changed to support whole-plant cannabis.
Biggest-Ever Election Day for Cannabis is Here
November 8, 2016Welcome to the biggest single day in America’s marijuana legalization movement. Sure, it was a big...
Joint Opinions
Veterans are Winning the Legalization War
May 30, 2016In recent months, America has seen what a potent force veterans can be when it comes...
SSDP Propels Cannabis Legalization in U.S. & Abroad
April 28, 2016Cannabis policy reform has accelerated in the last 18 years, in large part due to a...
Federal Court Ruling Stands: DOJ Cannot Target MMJ Providers Operating Within State Law
April 15, 2016This week cannabis activists going to battle in the War on Drugs officially gained a huge...
Industry Events
Marijuana Business Conference & Expo Set for Florida
April 12, 2016Set for May 9 – 11 in Orlando, Florida the event promises to bring together more...
Industry Events
Expect Masses: Wiz Khalifa and Lil’ Wayne Set to Rock Denver 420 Rally
April 6, 2016Two of the most recognizable faces in hip hop will perform and celebrate cannabis together this...
Colorado Considers Restricting Pot Products to 16 Percent THC
March 31, 2016Although Colorado doesn’t have any laws in place to govern the alcohol content of the hard...
Vermont is About to Make History: Bill Would Legalize Cannabis Through Legislation
March 17, 2016Vermont’s Democratic Governor Peter Shumlin wants to award his supporters with a token of appreciation in...
Tax Code 280E: The Dagger Pointed at the Heart of Medical Cannabis
January 29, 2016Near the end of 2015, in the case of Canna Care Inc v. Commissioner, Internal Revenue Service...
Pass It, Grassley: The CARERS Act and 2016
January 19, 2016Assume bill dead? Fred and I hit a deer on hiway 136 south of Dyersville. After...
The Racial Divide – Discriminatory Policing in the Cannabis Industry
January 18, 2016Brionne Corbray’s friends warned him against opening a dispensary. The 50-year-old, Seattle-area native had never sold...
Florida’s Recreational Marijuana Initiative Is Dead
December 11, 2015Although there was a great deal of hope that Florida would become the first southern state...
Joint Opinions
Is Legal Weed Causing Increasing Crime Rates in Colorado?
December 9, 2015In the foul grips of the prohibitionary mindset there is a legion of imaginary demons fiendishly...
Industry Events
Happy Holidaze All Year
December 7, 2015While 4/20 is nothing short of awesome, cannabis freedom should be celebrated year-round.
Paul Stanford: 40-Year Cannabis Activist Reflects on Legalization
December 6, 2015Paul Stanford first tried cannabis when he was just 11-years-old. The year was 1971 and he...
Federal Lawmakers Push to Cut DEA Marijuana Eradication Funds
December 2, 2015Over the last year, the DEA has found themselves in a good amount of hot water...
In History
Colorado Cannabis Taxes Destroy Those Collected From the Alcohol Industry
September 17, 2015Most of this cash will go towards funding education and other state projects.
Colorado’s Pot Tax Revenue for Schools Already Surpasses All of 2014
July 16, 2015Colorado’s educational system continues to benefit the most from the legalization of cannabis. The latest statistics...
Bong-A-Thon Threatened By Colorado Authorities
July 8, 2015The fight for the right to bong is on. The Colorado Invitational Bong-A-Thon has faced pushback...