Industry Events
Expect Masses: Wiz Khalifa and Lil’ Wayne Set to Rock Denver 420 Rally
Two of the most recognizable faces in hip hop will perform and celebrate cannabis together this holiday season at the 420 Rally.
What will be of the largest mass cultural events is about to take place at the Civic Center Park in downtown Denver on April 16.
Organizers Miguel Lopez and Rob Corry have been diligently working toward enhancing the 420 Rally experience.
“We could not be more excited to welcome Lil Wayne and Wiz Khalifa, two of the most accomplished artists in the country, to our celebration of the culture and legalization of cannabis,” stated Miguel Lopez, president of the 420 Rally. “Last year, the Denver Post estimated more than 125,000 people attended our gathering; this year, we intend to exceed that and help raise awareness of some of the most pressing political issues facing Colorado and our country as a whole.”
Wiz Khalifa has his interests set in Colorado. The rapper has recently partnered with Colorado-based RiverRock Cannabis to promote his line of cannabis including his signature strain, Khalifa Kush. Khalifa’s brand of cannabis is set for release on 420, of course. Strains claiming to be Khalifa Kush have since become a industry staple. Wiz Khalifa sent a Tweet with a reference to “KK” that Kanye West mistook for a reference to Kim Kardashian, setting off a beef firestorm. Cannabis plays a constant role in his films, music and daily life.
Lil’ Wayne suffers from debilitating seizures and smokes cannabis daily, but has remained fairly tight-lipped about his reasons for smoking. Whatever the reason, cannabis has already gotten him arrested multiple times and kicked out of a private jet.
Both artists have a reputation for smoking copious amounts of cannabis.
A six-digit crowd is expected at Civic Center Park. Around 250 vendors are set to sell their wares. The event is sponsored by MassRoots, Sweet Leaf, and the Colorado Marijuana Company. Free tickets are available online or at any of the six Denver Sweet Leaf locations. As of March 29, 15,000 people had registered for the event. One lucky winner will get to go onstage at 4:20.
The 420 Rally is a non-profit dedicated towards promoting equality, fair housing and police accountability. The event honors its founder Ken Gorman, a cannabis activist who was shot and killed in his own home in 2007.
Smoke before you show up. Last year, 243 people were arrested at the rally (196 for cannabis). The arrests, however, hardly put a dent into the swing of festivities. Organizers expect a smaller turnout at another planned gathering in front of the state capitol on 420.
Lopez has seen the event grow each year- to what it’s become today.
“On behalf of cannabis enthusiasts worldwide, I’d like to thank MassRoots and Santino Walter Productions for utilizing their networks and resources to produce the largest free cultural event in the world during the 420 holidays,” he said.
This year the event will host the biggest bill yet. Rob Corry was instrumental with the drafting of Amendment 64. Corry hopes to elevate the rally by adding big names to the venue.
“Let’s face it: Marijuana has always been used at most concerts, well before we had this regulated system, said Corry. “Music and marijuana have always gone together, and they always will.”
What are your 420 plans?