Old Hippie’s Firecracker Recipe With Nutella And ABV
One of the best ways to enjoy ABV is with one of the most traditional and well-loved edible snacks: the weed firecracker.
You’ve already vaped your beautiful flower, but don’t throw it away! It still has a second life — and a second high — left to be lived.
Already Been Vaped (ABV) marijuana, otherwise known as Already Vaped Bud (AVB), is cannabis that has been used in a vaporizer but still contains a significant amount of cannabinoids. Smoking or re-vaping ABV is not recommended because it is renowned for its terrible taste. But ABV can be highly effective and easy in edible form, as the process of vaping the weed has already decarboxylated it, allowing ABV can be eaten directly without any reheating or re-purposing. Bonus: ABV lacks most of marijuana’s characteristic smell, so these treats are more discrete than most.
The weed firecracker is one of the most trusted and true ways to enjoy ABVs. Here’s a basic recipe for the staple below. Feel free to spice it up with sliced almonds on top, a swirl of peanut butter or a few pieces of shredded coconuts.
A few tablespoons of Nutella
1 Graham cracker
1 spoonful of ABV — We recommend that you keep a jar next to your vape to remind yourself to save the bud when you’re finished vaping.
1. Split your graham cracker into halves so that you have two square pieces. Coat the graham cracker halves with healthy dollops of Nutella.
2. Sprinkle your ABV on top of the Nutella. Just one spoon of that precious weed sure been enough for me.
3. Put the two halves into intimate Nutella-to-Nutella contact.
4. These are your finished doses of cannabis Nutella firecracker! The firecracker will probably be two large doses, but it all depends on the quality of your bud, so eat with caution.