What is a Carb Cap? The Definitive History of Carb Caps
This simple accessory is vital for enjoying flavorful dabs.
No accessory in the dab-o-sphere has proven as essential as the carb cap in recent years. Whether paired with the highest tech e-nails or a nice quartz banger, a carb cap is crucial in the ongoing quest to get the most out of high-end cannabis extracts.
Carb caps help the process of cold and heavy oils sinking onto the heated-up surface of the nail, be it quartz or titanium. The carb cap creates suction, thereby lowering the air pressure between the nail and the carb cap — and lowering the boiling point of the oil to help it continue to burn at a lower temperature where the oil’s flavor can blossom more fully.
Who comes up with this stuff? We reached out to one of the top dogs of the concentrate scene to find out. Daniel de Sailles founded the famed Secret Cup and generally has his finger on the pulse of the dab landscape.
“The carb cap came about because Jarrod from West Coast Cure discovered that you could carb a dome and nail setup with your finger,” said de Sailles. “Task Rok invented and marketed the carb cap.”
We reached out to Task Rok, the man behind the dab accessories company Highly Educated, to find out how the original idea got commercialized. He shared with us the earliest incarnations of Highly Educated’s now-famous caps. They started as a drawing on the back of a cardboard box in July 2013, and the next day he introduced the first production prototypes to the world via an Instagram post. Exactly a month later, they were available wholesale and Highly Educated had officially introduced the carb cap to the world of dabs.
From its titanium roots, it didn’t take long for carb caps to start being crafted out of the fine borosilicate glass being used to make the world’s best pipes for years. From there, artists have had the same opportunity to explore their creativity with carb caps as they have with pipes. The resulting works of glass art are stunning creations — and also very functional accessories.
Originally published in Issue 29 of Cannabis Now. LEARN MORE
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