All posts tagged "Schedule I"
The American Academy of Pediatrics Supports MMJ Research
February 2, 2015The American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) is the most recent organization to recommend the decriminalization and...
Policy Developments to Watch for in 2015
January 22, 2015Since the turn of the New Year, cannabis enthusiasts across the country have been placing wagers...
Joint Opinions
The State of the Union’s Glaring Omission
January 21, 2015One would think that this is the perfect time for Obama to start talking about cannabis....
Feds Tell Court Pot Still as Dangerous as Heroin
January 13, 2015Despite the progress marijuana made with the federal government in 2014, including the elimination of DEA...
Federal Pot Farm Selection in Process
January 12, 2015The National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA), which has overseen the production of cannabis for federally-approved...
Former Alaskan Senator named CEO of Nevada-based Weed Company
January 6, 2015Former Democratic Alaskan Senator and 2008 Presidential candidate Mike Gravel has recently been appointed CEO of...
D.C. Congress and Confusion Surrounding Initiative 71
January 4, 2015There was blood on the streets of Washington, D.C. after Uncle Sam dropped the axe of...
In History
The Year in Weed: Biggest Cannabis Moves in 2014
January 1, 2015Photo by Monkiphoto It’s been an exciting year of ups and downs for everyone’s favorite plant,...
Joint Opinions
Legal Marijuana: Regulatory Models Matter
December 26, 2014Cannabis quality in the average Denver adult-use dispensary is usually far below the quality found in...
U.S. Takes a New Course on Cuban Relations
December 17, 2014Today President Obama made a historic declaration to improve relations with Cuba, a country diplomatically estranged...
Congress Passes Landmark MMJ Protection Spending Bill
December 16, 2014Congress recently passed a landmark federal spending bill including a provision that will effectively end the...
Veterans to Attorney General: Reschedule Cannabis
November 21, 2014Veterans from across the country, united under the banner of Veterans for Medical Cannabis Access, have...
Attorney General Announces Resignation, Shows Support For Cannabis Reform
September 26, 2014Cannabis legislation around the country is seeing rapid changes thanks to the growing support for the...
Joint Opinions
Federal Marijuana Legalization by 2024: How Will It Happen?
September 2, 2014Over the past year, a number of lawmakers and industry experts have speculated the end to...
Joint Opinions
DEA Reclassifies Hydrocodone While Cannabis Remains Schedule I
August 31, 2014No one dies of marijuana overdose. At least, no one did in 2010, according to statistics ...
The Federal Government is Looking for Pot Farmers
August 29, 2014There’s no need to reread that headline. Although it may seem like some sort of cruel...
Joint Opinions
Charlotte’s Web Is More Brand Than Strain
August 12, 2014The latest catchphrase to grace the pages of medical marijuana legislation in the United States is...
Marijuana Legalization: The Financial Impact
August 1, 2014By Michael S. Rothman Cannabis has long been considered less harmful and less addictive than other...
The Current State of Marijuana’s Drug Classification
July 17, 2014Photo by Dave Lobby The only marijuana available for research in the United States has remained...
In History
First CBD Law in Nation Goes Into Effect
July 12, 2014The first CBD-only medical cannabis legislation went into effect in Utah on July 8 as the...