All posts tagged "New York"
NY: Proposed Medical Marijuana Upgrades Are Nothing Without Chronic Pain
April 14, 2016As it stands, there are only 2,675 patients in the entire state that have been approved...
Proposal Would Legalize 2 Ounces of Personal Cannabis in Buffalo, NY
March 11, 2016Sadly, upstate New York is plagued with disproportionate arrest rates for cannabis possession and the people...
NY Sponsors Big Pharma CBD Trials, But Will Not Expand MMJ
January 25, 2016New York is apparently more interested in stroking the interests of Big Pharma than it is...
NY Opens Its MMJ Dispensaries, Patient Base Grows
January 17, 2016New York’s dispensaries have been open for 10 days, since Jan. 7, and already the state’s...
NY Patients Can Now Register for Medical Marijuana Program, But Good Luck Finding A Recommendation
January 3, 2016Perhaps one of the biggest concerns surrounding medical marijuana in New York is that there will...
NY Gov. Signs Emergency MMJ Bill
November 13, 2015Patients who are considered critically ill might not have to wait for New York to launch...
Taking One for the Kids: Activist Arrests Continue
October 6, 2015Bobby Moulton devotes his life to helping pediatric cancer patients with cannabis oil. Unfortunately, one kid...
Tech Enters the Game at Cannabis Investors Summit
September 30, 2015It was just a matter of time before the high-tech community merged its way into the...
New York Banks Say “No” to Cannabis
September 24, 2015New York’s medical cannabis industry is scheduled to launch at the beginning of 2016, but the...
NY Announces Winners of MMJ Licenses
August 3, 2015After more than a year since New York Governor Andrew Cuomo put his apprehensive seal of...
New York Hospitals Could Distribute Medical Marijuana
June 10, 2015Although the New York State Health Department hasn’t revealed the names of the applicants vying to...
Congress Passes Amendments to End War on Cannabis
June 4, 2015Congress signaled its support for nationwide reform by voting in favor of several amendments that would...
NY May Create Emergency MMJ Access for Terminal Patients
May 16, 2015Photo by The Dank Depot New York’s medical marijuana program, known as the Compassionate Care Act...
Joint Opinions
New York Medical Marijuana Rules Are Ultra-Restrictive
April 3, 2015It has been almost a year since New York Governor Andrew Cuomo put his signature on...
Kush Goes Kosher
March 3, 2015Things are starting to look up for the nearly 6.5 million Jewish citizens currently living in...
Joint Opinions
Marijuana Decriminalization Works
February 17, 2015Decriminalization is a term often used to describe the elimination of criminal penalties associated with the...
In History
The Year in Weed: Biggest Cannabis Moves in 2014
January 1, 2015Photo by Monkiphoto It’s been an exciting year of ups and downs for everyone’s favorite plant,...
Marijuana Policy Project Predictions for Legal Weed in 2016
December 20, 2014The outcome of this year’s general election has proven to be super fuel for the legion...
NY Sees Decrease in Cannabis Arrests
December 10, 2014Many people across the country have been excited to witness the changes in cannabis legislation in...
Joint Opinions
NYC Decriminalizes Marijuana… 37 Years Late
November 19, 2014The long withstanding battle in New York City between stoners and the boys in blue has...