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RECIPE: Tincture-Infused Blueberry Yogurt


RECIPE: Tincture-Infused Blueberry Yogurt

This recipe combines the natural sweetness and gorgeous color of blueberries with the creamy, refreshing tartness of yogurt and just a touch of cannabinoid enhancement. 

I often get questions from patients looking to incorporate pre-made flavored glycerin tinctures into simple food items. The glycerin tinctures you buy at dispensaries are either unflavored or come in a multitude of flavor choices, so go ahead and experiment with combining both flavored tinctures and unflavored tinctures in food to see which you prefer.

In this particular recipe I used one of my favorite glycerin tincture flavors, one which can easily be used in an array of dishes; French vanilla. This foundational flavor can be used in an assortment of breakfast meals, drinks and dessert dishes.

Follow the dosage instructions on the bottle of the glycerin tincture you buy to properly dose your food, and also pay attention to which strain (or strain combo) the tincture is made from.

Blueberries are in abundance now that we are enjoying the warm summer air. Spend some time at your local farmers market or supermarket and you will come across some of the best fresh blueberry deals. Blueberries are high in antioxidants and flavonoids that will do your body good. That paired with the high protein and calcium content of yogurt will make this the perfect snack or breakfast indulgence.

Mise en place:

• 1 cup plain Australian yogurt

• 1/2 cup small blueberries

• French vanilla glycerin tincture (any flavor you want will do)


Step 1: In a small bowl add the blueberries and the desired dose of tincture.

Step 2: Gently macerate the blueberries with a spoon to get the juices flowing but not enough to turn this mixture into mush. By pressing your spoon into the blueberries with down sweeping motions you can achieve a good maceration after 4-5 swoops.

Step 3: Pour the yogurt into your desired bowl and add the tincture blueberry mixture onto the top of the yogurt.

Step 4: Feel free to add toppings such as granola, seeds, or nuts. Enjoy!

Strain Suggestions:

I would recommend any strains whose terpenes match the flavor profiles of the yogurt or blueberries. Keep in mind that regardless of strain, glycerine tinctures are usually flavored. So you may have a glycerine Big Bud Blueberry strain that is flavored vanilla. Blueberry and vanilla flavor profiles still work wonderfully with food, especially this dish. So just remember to be creative, follow your nose/taste buds, and have fun with it!


Each tincture dosage will depend on a variety of factors. Read the label on your bottle and adjust the dosage accordingly to your personal preferences.

TELL US, do you use cannabis tinctures? Do you have a favorite?

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