KindPeoples Launches Edibles Safety Campaign
Educating the public on responsible consumption of cannabis-infused foods, which will be legal for all adults on Jan. 1, 2018.
Adverse effects experienced by people eating THC proved to be the most controversial aspect of legalized cannabis in other states including Colorado, Washington and Oregon. Whether by eating too much THC due to inexperience or accidentally ingesting edibles unintentionally, citizens have visited emergency rooms or called poison control hotlines after an intense, overwhelming edibles experience.
Intending to proactively address these issues in California, KindPeoples is launching “Go Low & Slow with Cannabis Edibles,” a public safety campaign that informs consumers of the most important facts about cannabis-infused foods.
Using posters, social media posts, videos, blogs, brochures and ads in local alternative weekly papers, the “Go Low & Slow” campaign illustrates these safety tips:
Use a Low Dose – 5 to 10 milligrams of THC
Be Patient – Expect to Wait 2 Hours Before Feeling Effects
Don’t Drive – Eating THC will impair your driving
Don’t Mix with Alcohol – Combining Edibles and Alcohol Isn’t Recommended
Keep Away from Kids – Lock Up Your Cannabis Products
Created by edibles expert Elise McDonough, author of “The Official High Times Cannabis Cookbook” and KIndPeoples’ public relations specialist, this PSA campaign hopes to prevent negative experiences with cannabis-infused foods.
“Most commonly, people will eat some THC and get impatient with the long onset time,” McDonough says. “After 30 minutes or so, they’ll eat more THC, and when effects start to be felt after two hours, the experience can be unpleasant and overwhelming.”
The Adult Use of Marijuana Act (AUMA), also known as Prop 64, made it legal for any adult age 21 or older to purchase or possess up to one ounce of cannabis, and creates regulations to govern the manufacture, advertising, packaging, labeling and THC content of cannabis-infused foods.
Changes in the law require all edibles to be limited to 100 milligrams of THC per package, with servings of just 10 mg clearly marked or separated. Tinctures and capsules will still be allowed to contain up to 1000 mg per package. Packaging cannot be attractive to children or use the word “candy.”
TELL US, have you had a bad experience on edibles?