Build the Future with a Tiny Hemp House
The Tiny Hemp House Workshop will teach attendees how they can make their own Tiny Hemp Houses.
Hemp is an amazing, environmentally-friendly plant with the capacity to replace many materials currently in use. From clothing, fiber and food to paint, paper and construction materials, hemp has the potential to change the sustainability game and make a major impact in the U.S.
Recently, there have been some noteworthy changes in hemp legislation including the first hemp processing plant opening in Colorado and the governor of Nevada signing a bill to allow hemp to be grown and researched in the state. These incremental shifts are setting the stage for more hemp awareness, acceptance and – fingers crossed – cultivation in the future.
Before that day of statewide legalization comes, hemp supporters will have a chance to learn how to utilize the plant at the Tiny Hemp House Workshop. At this two-day intensive, attendees will be taught how to make hempcrete, a sustainable material made with the woody core of the hemp plant and a lime-based binder that is lightweight, insulating, breathable and resistant to mold, mildew, pests and fire. With their hempcrete, participate will then learn how to build a wood frame for a tiny house and then how to safely create interior and exterior walls, a roof and a floor system.
The event is scheduled to take place on July 25 and 26 in Berthoud, Colorado and is only open to adults over the age of 18.
What else would you like to see built with hemp? Tell us in the comments.