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Brown University Investigates Marijuana

Brown University Investigates Marijuana


Brown University Investigates Marijuana

Brown University researchers at the Center for Alcohol and Addiction Studies published a study showing frequent usage tends to be accompanied by problems such as the potential to procrastinate and a decrease in energy and memory.

To collect baseline data, the study was conducted with subjects not under the influence of drugs, and who were using marijuana approximately two times a week without experiencing withdrawal symptoms after not using cannabis for a full day.

The study analyzed impulsivity, working memory and short-term memory using cognitive tests and questionnaires, reported the Brown Daily Herald.

Only about 9 percent of people who have used marijuana become dependent on it. Results showed that users with working memory deficiencies are at a higher risk of experiencing marijuana-related problems. Users with short-term memory deficits, however, are not at such a high risk. Frequent users with high impulsivity are also more at risk for such problems.

The study did not clarify whether or not there is a causal relationship between the factors.

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