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Cannabis is America’s Fastest Growing Industry


Cannabis is America’s Fastest Growing Industry

Things have been getting interesting in the cannabis industry for some time now. This year alone, there are supposed to be more than 200,000 job opportunities for people interested in switching their career paths. With a 73 percent market increase in just one year, it’s no wonder investment giants are pouring millions into cannabis companies.

This formerly underground marketplace is now a mainstream industry, where millions and millions of dollars are available to smart investors who are willing to take calculated risks. Examples of these success stories have been aired in documentaries on MSNBC and CNBC, showing the true power of pot.

The video above shares short quips from industry insiders at a quarterly investor conference for the ArcView Group, one of the largest angel investment networks. In it, they share just how much the industry is booming, why its been such a successful venture and what it means for cannabis to be included in a regulated market.

If you’re fascinated with the finance side of cannabis, you can never know enough about the business aspect of marijuana.

What part of the cannabis industry would you invest in? Share with us in the comments.

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