When, Why & How to Take a Tolerance Break
If you’ve been feeling like you may not be getting as high as you used to lately, you just might be right.
It’s no secret that when you smoke weed day after day, for months or years at a time, your habit starts to affect your cannabinoid receptors’ ability to absorb THC. Soon, it takes more and more cannabis to get your body and mind to that sweet spot — and sometimes, it might feel like nothing can get you there anymore.
When that happens, it’s a clear sign that it’s time for a tolerance break.
Okay, So What Is a ‘Tolerance Break’?
A tolerance break is just a term for taking some time away from consuming cannabis so that your body can regulate, readjust and reduce its need for such high amounts of THC.
If you think taking a tolerance break means cutting yourself off cold turkey, it may seem like a drastic turn in the other direction, especially if you are a consistent or heavy smoker. But you can also ease yourself into a tolerance break so that the sudden departure from your beloved pastime doesn’t seem so severe and jarring.
How you guide yourself into a tolerance break is really dependent on your personal smoking habits. For example, if you smoke all day every day — let’s say a blunt in the morning, midday and evening — then you can try eliminating one of your seshes, then two of them and then finally the last one until you aren’t smoking any weed at all.
You also can choose whether you’d like to do this over the course of a few days or a couple weeks. The most important thing is that once you stop smoking, you shouldn’t have any weed at all for a set period of time. Even one puff will disturb the process and you will have to start from scratch.
During your break, you will need to have a plan for how you’re going to allocate your newfound free time. Consider picking up that book you’ve been meaning to check out, reintroducing that old hobby that went by the wayside or trying a new activity that has been on your to-do list. Staying busy during times you would normally be rolling up and chilling will be important in helping you stay committed.
What to Expect When You’re Abstaining
You might also observe some differences in your sleeping and eating habits, particularly if you are a heavy daily smoker. You might have trouble falling or staying asleep or notice that your appetite is not as voracious as it once seemed. Be patient with yourself and your body as they both adjust to the new change you’ve put into place.
It’s up to you how long you would like your tolerance break to last, but in order to notice any real results, it’s probably a good idea to plan for at least a week-long break. Everyone is different, though, so the amount of time you need to abstain will vary.
According to one study, it may only take about two days for the body’s cannabinoid receptors to replenish, but keep in mind that the benefits increase over time. So, essentially, the longer you curb your use, the better the outcome will be.
To be clear, tolerance breaks are designed for heavy smokers who feel like they are not getting the same psychotropic experience as they are used to with their normal amount of weed intake. Tolerance breaks are not for patients who use cannabis to treat chronic symptoms or terminal illnesses.
If you are using cannabis as an alternative treatment and find that you are not experiencing the same relief, consult with a medical marijuana professional to figure out what needs to be done.
TELL US, have you ever taken a tolerance break?