All posts tagged "Washington"
Industry Events
Happy Holidaze All Year
December 7, 2015While 4/20 is nothing short of awesome, cannabis freedom should be celebrated year-round.
New Federal Bill Would Protect Patients in Legal States
October 19, 2015While some lawmakers remain convinced that simply attaching a few riders to a federal spending bill...
FBI: One Person Arrested for Cannabis Every 45 Seconds
October 2, 2015While states across the nation continue to legalize cannabis for medical and recreational purposes, police have...
WA Body Care Company Brings Cannabis to Retail Marketplace
September 23, 2015Cannabis Basics, a body care company based out of Washington state, continues to bask in the...
Joint Opinions
Why Big Marijuana Could Never Be as Evil as Big Tobacco
September 22, 2015With over half the United States having legalized marijuana for medicinal or recreational purposes, there are...
Q&A With Leafly’s New CEO Drew Reynolds
September 10, 2015Leafly's New CEO, Drew Reynolds, talks transition, technology and cannabis trends.
Joint Opinions
Legal Cannabis Doesn’t Increase Motor Vehicle Fatalities
August 31, 2015The Washington Traffic Safety Commission (WTSC) recently published a report that found the number of fatal...
Poll: GOP Voters Support Ending Federal Cannabis Prosecution
August 27, 2015In the early primary states of New Hampshire and Iowa, the majority of Republican voters believe...
Joint Opinions
Seattle Hempfest: An Odd and Beautiful Protestival
August 24, 2015I looked down and realized that I was wearing the brightest shoes I’ve ever owned. Through...
Two Groups in Massachusetts Fighting to Legalize Marijuana in 2016
August 8, 2015Two groups of cannabis activists in Massachusetts recently announced that they would be submitting the language...
Seniors Are Retiring to Legal Marijuana States
July 26, 2015Senior citizens are looking towards legal marijuana states when it comes time to consider a place...
WA Bans Open Cannabis Containers In Vehicles
July 23, 2015In an attempt to better align the cannabis laws with those pertaining to alcohol, the state...
WA Retail Shops Cited for Sales to Minors
July 17, 2015Enforcing adult-use cannabis in much of the same way that it addresses alcohol, the Washington State...
Study: Teen Marijuana Use Down Nationwide
July 14, 2015Since Washington and Colorado legalized adult use marijuana in 2012, scientists and officials across the nation...
After One Year of Retail Sales, Washington Rakes In Over $70 Mil in Taxes
July 7, 2015On July 8, 2014, recreational marijuana dispensaries opened in Washington state. Now, nearly a year later,...
Washington Reforms Law to 37 Percent Flat Tax on Pot
July 2, 2015Washington overhauled its recreational marijuana industry’s tax structure on Tuesday in a move that boils down...
Feds Want to Analyze Sewer Samples For Marijuana Use
June 27, 2015Citywide pee-tests of sorts are underway in two Washington cities. The University of Puget Sound announced...
Federal Study Finds Stoned Driving Limits Need Adjusting
June 25, 2015Stoned driving may not be as much of a detriment to public safety as originally believed,...
Research Proves Teen Use Doesn’t Increase In MMJ States
June 25, 2015Sorry parents. Sorry lawmakers. Your tall tales of crazed marijuana smoking youth and weed peddlers influencing...
Potency Labels on Edibles Mostly Wrong, Study Finds
June 24, 2015A team led by Johns Hopkins professor Ryan Vandrey, Ph.D, analyzed the THC content of 75...