Historic Day: First Domestic Hemp Seeds Certified in Colorado
September 9, 2016DENVER (AP) — Colorado notched another nationwide first Wednesday involving cannabis when state agriculture officials showed...
Hemp Hot Dogs on the Menu at State Fair
July 30, 2016Hemp seeds and hearts, chock full of protein, will replace other less-nutritional fillers and bulking agents...
Rhode Island Legalizes Hemp!
June 24, 2016Rhode Island is set to join America's industrial hemp revolution after a legislative vote June 20...
Ralph Nader Calls to Liberate Hemp
June 6, 2016Ralph Nader shared his insight that marijuana legalization advocates are going about it unwisely when they...
Hemptsy.com Set to Launch for Hemp Artisans & Beyond
April 3, 2016The innovative co-founders of the site have assembled a web marketplace for artisans who create works...
The Greatest Hemp-Centric Expo on the Earth
March 25, 2016Anyone interested in helping to jumpstart the U.S. economy and reduce the planet’s greenhouse gases should...
Re-imagining Recycled Paper with Hemp
February 18, 2016Recycled paper accounts for 38 percent of the world's total fiber supply, yet plants like hemp,...
Nature’s Root: The Fruits of a Hemp Economy
February 1, 2016When Colorado voters opened the door for adult-use cannabis in November 2012 they also ushered in...
Biofuel Showdown: Hemp is America’s Best Hope for Energy Independence
December 9, 2015Applying lessons from the past to the present, it is clear that producing fuel ethanol from...
Hemp’s Legal Cannabinoids
December 2, 2015While THC remains federally illegal, the legalization of hemp has opened up the way to powerful...
Video: Building Houses With Hemp
October 21, 2015Even if you’re not looking to building a home, this video is still an interesting look...
The Rise of American Hemp
September 9, 2015Since the passing of a 2014 farm bill, states that have legalized industrial hemp production have...
Study of Cannabis & Hemp Genetics Calls For New Classifications
August 28, 2015It all comes down to THC.
Build the Future with a Tiny Hemp House
July 6, 2015The Tiny Hemp House Workshop will teach attendees how they can make their own Tiny Hemp...
Nevada Governor Signs Hemp Cultivation and Research Bill
June 11, 2015Republican Governor Brian Sandoval signed a new bill that will allow for the cultivation and research...
Hemp History Week Celebrates the Versatility of Hemp
June 4, 2015Hemp has quickly become one of the largest cash crops in the nation, with the total...
First Hemp Processing Plant Opens in Colorado
May 26, 2015Hemp processing has always been a thing of wonder. The plant, which processes into a pulpy...
Product Review: Randy’s Roots Hemp Rolling Papers
May 24, 2015There’s nothing worse than that inescapable burning taste masking the flavor of an extra dank strain...
First Hemp Plane Scheduled to Take Flight
March 28, 2015Hemp is what’s happening right now. From informative books about hemp to futuristic hemp cars, it’s clear that the...
Hemp Gets Its Day
March 22, 2015The 2nd Annual NoCo Hemp Expo is sure to be a festive day of celebrating all things hemp....