7 Odd New Ways Companies Want You to Consume CBD
The hemp industry has now strayed far beyond the standard CBD tincture.
Just a few years ago, farmers in the United States were only growing a little more than 9,000 acres of hemp a year. But by 2019, that number had skyrocketed to over 500,000 acres — and much of that growth has been powered by demand for one cannabinoid: cannabidiol (CBD).
More and more people are turning down the outdated concept that cannabis is evil and are beginning to see just how much the plant can help. And given that hemp is legal nationwide and defined as the cannabis sativa plant with less than 0.3% THC, people are often able to access cannabis medicine most readily through CBD products derived from hemp.
While the CBD market is currently dominated by tinctures and gummies, some companies are trying to expand the types of ways people can use CBD. And some of these ideas are quite unique (think the CBD hamburger from Carl’s Jr.). If their purpose is to stand out and start a conversation, it’s working.
But First, A Disclaimer
The trend of unique CBD products didn’t come out of blue. It was a direct response to the ever-growing demand for variety in CBD consumption. As more people begin to take CBD for its therapeutic abilities, even more people are going to want to try CBD products and want to use it in new ways.
And for that reason, we advocate both businesses and consumers consider the best, safest methods to consume CBD before marketing or purchasing a product, respectively. There are a seemingly infinite number of ways that pure CBD isolate — CBD in its raw, molecular form — can be purchased and added to different consumption methods. However, just because CBD can be added to something, doesn’t mean it always should. Though the stigma around the cannabis plant is eroding, it still lingers on and prevents CBD from reaching its full potential. Improperly labeled or misleading CBD products that leave consumers feeling discouraged only hurt the industry at large.
While many of the products on this list may be CBD-infused and lab-tested, we can’t confirm that they all are. CBD products remain unregulated by the FDA, and often it’s these particularly unusual CBD products that run the most risk of being ineffective. For example, a recent study from Leafly found three out of four CBD water products contained absolutely zero CBD.
As always, we recommend using your best judgment when buying CBD: look for CBD products through licensed vendors, look for third-party lab testing results, and look for products from experienced companies.
Creativity and innovation are what drives any market. Since CBD is still in its early stages, we can only assume more unique products will hit the store shelves as time carries on.
Here’s a list of the 7 most unusual new ways CBD has been incorporated into products floating around the market.

1) CBD Inhalers
When it comes to developing unique CBD products, it’s vital for a business to understand the importance of relatability. Think of CBD gummies, which have grown so popular primarily due to the fact that consumers are used to seeing and eating vitamin gummies.
One company, CBD Luxe, takes the idea of creating a relatable product in a different direction with its CBD Oil Inhaler. Inhaling CBD is fast and efficacious, but vaping isn’t for everyone — and particularly in the middle of a vaping health scare, consumers are wary of vaporizers.
So, they’ve developed an inhaler that mimics those used by people who struggle with asthma. The goal is to develop something relatable that still provides inhalation’s fast-acting relief.

2) CBD Clothing
One company named Acabada ProActiveWear took everything one step further when it designed activewear that claims to release CBD as you wear it. Though it’s a very interesting concept, we’re not entirely sure this would work out as well as your standard CBD topical — especially, considering these pieces of clothing contain only 25mg of CBD while most topicals will have well past 100mg.
This wouldn’t be such a big issue if it weren’t for the price. A pair of leggings on Acabada’s website can run you $180 and a jumpsuit a cool $275. Considering the CBD only lasts about 40 washes (according to the website), that’s a hefty price to pay for some pain relief.
Still, criticism aside, we’ve gotta give it to Acabada for designing one of the most eye-catching CBD products we’ve come across. It certainly got the company press attention, from the likes of Allure, Slate, and New York Magazine’s style section, The Cut.

3) CBD Suppositories
CBD appears to be an anti-inflammatory that can also naturally relax muscles. For this reason, a number of products have surfaced that explicitly advertise these properties. Foria Wellness’s Basic Menstrual Suppository is one of them, and may just be the best known CBD product out there of its kind, as it’s gained press coverage in the Guardian — though the publication referred to them as “weed tampons.”
With 100mg of broad-spectrum CBD that can be used vaginally or rectally, Foria Wellness hopes to sooth and melt the tension women experience during their menstrual cycle.

4) CBD Shampoo & Conditioner
For years, companies have added hempseed oil (a food product which does not contain cannabinoids) to beauty products, both for its nourishing qualities and for the novelty of being able to sell products with hemp in it.
But in a new development, some companies have started adding CBD to beauty products like shampoo and conditioner. For example, EMERA has developed a hair shampoo and conditioner that hopes to use the properties of CBD to alleviate dry hair. To take things further, the company also believes the natural properties of the hemp plant can provide you with healthier and smoother hair.

5) CBD Relief Patches
One of the big advertising points for CBD topicals is their ability to target specific pain relief, particularly muscle and joint pains. Most CBD companies don’t stray away from the standard salves and lotions, but a handful have followed along the model of standard pain relief products and released transdermal patches.
To name a few, Go Green Hemp’s broad spectrum patches, Pure Ratio’s 96-hour pain patch, and Palmetto Harmony’s organic transdermal patch all claim to help withstand inflammation and fight against aches and strains. All you have to do is slap the patch on like a sticker and continue on with your day.

6) CBD Toothpaste
It’s a smart idea to add CBD to a product every person (at least every hygienic person) uses multiple times a day. One such idea: CBD toothpaste.
CBD Technology Center has a CBD Toothpaste. So does ORL Labs. And so does the New York Hemp Company. It might seem crazy, but preliminary research in rats does show that CBD can actually help fight against gum disease, tooth decay, and bad breath, so this idea might have staying power.

7) CBD Toothpicks
When we first saw CBD-infused toothpick packs, from companies like Ignite and PureKana, we couldn’t help but ask why?
Admittedly, it seems a bit unnecessary, though it does seem inspired by products like tea tree oil-infused toothpicks, which claim to have antiseptic benefits. If you want to use CBD discreetly, toothpicks may be an ideal option — especially, if your friends and family are used to seeing you with a toothpick hanging out of your mouth. We just never thought we’d be chewing on a stick to get our dose of cannabidiol.
TELL US, what’s the weirdest way you’ve seen CBD added to a product?
Originally published on thehempmag.com.