10 Cannabis Photographers Who Have Changed the Game
Here’s a list of some outstanding cannabis photographers who have made waves in the industry in their own unique ways.
Cannabis Now has been keeping tabs on the cannabis photography niche for almost a decade now and there’s no question that since legalization and decriminalization have spread across the nation, the quality within the cannabis photographer community has grown tremendously. We have had the pleasure of working with many of these pros throughout the years and are excited to see the cannabis photography industry expand.
Here’s our round-up of some of the top cannabis photographers in the game and their unique stories.
1. Chris Romaine // @kandidkush
READ: Smile, You’re on Kandid Kush

Chris Romaine didn’t expect to become a prominent cannabis photographer. Better known by the moniker Kandid Kush, Romaine was raised by fairly conservative parents and only took a mild interest in the arts during his youth.
2. Allie Beckett // @canna_obscura
READ: Stunning Cannabis Photography in Book ‘As The Grass Grows’

“Documentary photography is about capturing what’s there and I want to leave that up to interpretation and be the conduit for that,” says Beckett, who prefers candid photography and avoids composing and posing pictures whenever she can. “When you bring a subculture to light, people are going to have pre-judgments about it that you don’t want to reinforce.”
3. Devin Stein // @thingsfromsteinfarm
READ: THCA Diamond Mining

Seattle photographer Steinfarm captures the glory of the THCA diamond, a beautiful and potent extract that might not survive in legal cannabis markets.
4. Kristen Angelo // @apotfarmersdaughter
READ: Shooting Shotgun Willie’s Secret Stash

Cannabis photographer, Kristen Angelo, has seen many facets of the industry. “In the cannabis industry, I’ve met retired teachers, people from the insurance industry,” she said. “Everyone across the board, from conservatives to liberals. And I’ve enjoyed telling their stories.”
5. Jeff Scheetz // @doobieduck
READ: DoobieDuck: Getting Super-Close to Cannabis

“Macro images take specialized gear. Most use DSLRs and specialized lenses,” says Scheetz aka DoobieDuck. To achieve quality macro shots, he says the most important factors are stability and lighting.
6. Erik Christiansen // @erik.nugshots
READ: A Photographer’s Guide to the Cannabis Galaxy

Nugshots founder Erik Christiansen produces cannabis photography that zooms viewers in for a cosmic ride. While there are plenty of excellent cannabis photographers working today, Christiansen’s photos are uniquely technical and motivated by a special scientific curiosity.
7. Wind Home // @windhome
READ: Glass & Grass: The Photos of Wind Home

With a carefree name like Wind — and hippie parents easy-going enough to name him that — it’s not too surprising to hear this prolific photographer takes such a calm, cool and collected approach to his craft when it comes to capturing his signature sleek images of some of the most beautiful and impressively crafted pieces of glass.
8. Steef Fleur // @greengoldstories
READ: Capturing Cannabis

Adventurous Netherlands photographer Steef Fleur ventured into the heart of Northern California with a camera and an ambitious plan to capture the experience of cultivating hidden cannabis farms for the book “Humboldt – Green Gold USA.”
9. Dave Tomanovich // @daves_not_h3r3_man
READ: Stacking Shots With Concentrate Photographer Dave Tomanovich

You’d be amazed at how long it can take Dave Tomanovich to post a single picture on Instagram. His latest snap of Holy Hash’s Headband and Stardawg cross spotlights each angular nook and cranny of the live resin, glowing amber like a precious stone.
10. Justin McIvor aka Justin Cannabis
READ: Under the Humboldt Sun

A new book is giving a glimpse into the world of cannabis farmers deep in the Humboldt hills. The book, “Sustainable Sun-Grown Cannabis,” is a celebration of outdoor cultivation from the photographer Justin McIvor, better known as Justin Cannabis. Thanks to McIvor’s photos and emphasis on sustainable cultivation, the book is a visual guide to regenerative growing techniques.
TELL US, do you have a favorite cannabis photographer?