Search results for "recreational"
Current Events
VOTE for NORML’s TV Ad to Appear During the Super Bowl
September 17, 2013Intuit Quickbooks is currently running their Small Business Big Game contest, with the grand prize being...
Proposed Medical Marijuana Regulation Legislation Failed
September 14, 2013Until just one week ago, AB 604 was a bill about eyewitness identification in criminal investigations.
Free Pot Giveaway In Denver
September 11, 2013Hundreds of people lined up at Denver’s Civic Center on Monday morning for a free pot...
Senate Holds Hearing on Conflict Between Federal and State Cannabis Laws
September 10, 2013Taking preemptive action against states that have voted to legalize recreational cannabis may result in the...
Current Events
Washington Tentatively Approves Retail Regulations For Implementing Cannabis Legalization
September 5, 2013Washingtonians may be able to buy cannabis legally grown in the state by next June, under...
Senate To Hold Hearings On State/Federal Cannabis Conflicts
August 29, 2013Vermont Senator Patrick Leahy has announced that the Senate Judiciary Committee will hold a hearing to...
Waiting for the Green Light
August 21, 2013Representatives in Colorado and Washington are eager to find out how the federal government will treat...
Joint Opinions
Paging Dr. Riggs
August 13, 2013Response to Dr. Paula Riggs, criticizing Dr. Gupta Dr. Paula Riggs, a professor of psychiatry at...
Denver Council Set to Address Retail Cannabis Regulations
August 12, 2013The Denver City Council will meet in a special committee this afternoon to determine regulations on...
Current Events
VIDEO: Pro-Cannabis TV Advertisement Makes History
July 27, 2013NASCAR fans made history this weekend as the first sports viewers of a pro-cannabis television advertisement that aired Friday...
BUZZKILL: Colorado Releases Rules For Legalizing Cannabis
July 26, 2013On New Years Day 2014, cannabis will be legally sold in Colorado. But on Monday the...
Auditor Slams Denver’s Medical Marijuana Program
July 19, 2013An audit of Denver’s Medical Marijuana program has determined the city does not have the “basic...
Industry Events
Denver Set to Host Cannabis Rave
June 20, 2013Come this weekend Denver will play host to an event that organizers are calling the first...
Vermont Decriminalizes Marijuana
June 13, 2013Vermont became the latest state in the nation to decriminalize marijuana possession Thursday when Gov. Peter...
Cannabis Publications Push Back On Porn In Federal Lawsuit
June 8, 2013Booksellers and cannabis publications are pushing back at Colorado’s plans to hide cannabis magazines with porn...
The First National Brand of Marijuana Coming Soon from Seattle
June 1, 2013Washington state businessmen who say they’re trying to create the first national brand of marijuana received...
California Supreme Court Rules Local Governments Can Ban Cannabis Centers
May 9, 2013In a unanimous decision the California Supreme Court ruled on May 6, that city and county...
Majority of Voters Want Cannabis Reform
March 1, 2013New California Poll: Majority Of Voters Want Cannabis Reform Now
Current Events
Hawaii Next to Legalize?
January 15, 2013Why the 50th state may lead the next wave of reform Ten years ago, Hawai’i marched...
The Starbucks of Weed?
December 28, 2012Ex-Microsoft Employee Promising Nation’s First “Premium” Cannabis Retail Stores Fox Business News is reporting the intentions of...