
Product Review: Level+ Infused Beverages Hone in on the Microdose

These beverages offer a simple ingredient line-up and a mellow buzz.

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Photos Nick LaVecchia

Microdosing, or consuming small amounts of cannabis to experience the restorative health benefits of marijuana without the haze of a strong high, is trending and more cannabis products are coming out to cater to this growing market. But what about taking it a step further and microdosing a product that is already a microdose? That’s where Level+ comes in.

Level+ infused drinks are made with natural ingredients and come with either 5 mg of THC or 5 mg of CBD per 16-ounce bottle. Cannabis infused drinks are an excellent way to discreetly medicate throughout the day and these drinks would be best suited to mellow out the stress of an intense day at the office or as a safe introduction for those who are new to cannabis edibles.

We sampled the infused cold brew coffee version of the drink, which was crafted with beans sourced from Coava Coffee Roasters in Portland, Oregon. Portland is known for its chic coffee scene and this drink would fit right in a coffee shop, or for now, in the recreational cannabis marketplace. The coffee has a sophisticated flavor profile and contains no hint of the ethanol-based CBD cannabis concentrate within, which makes up less than 1 percent of its ingredient base. The drink doesn’t contain extra additives, the other ingredients are coffee and water. All of the drinks from Level+ rely on this simplistic base of ingredients, which makes them well suited for people with dietary restrictions.

It’s refreshing to see an edible with a list of not only its components, but also serving size and nutrition facts. Each of the drinks in the product line contain zero grams of sugar and 12 mg of sodium. Whether they contain CBD or THC, these beverages all contribute to a mild, mellow mood. With flavors like grapefruit and watermelon mint, they could make a nice addition to a mock cannabis cocktail for newbies who enjoy obeying the golden rule of edibles, start low and go slow.

This article is sponsored by Level+

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