
Pax 3 Vaporizer Review

The Pax 3 maintains the smart qualities that made its predecessor iconic — a single button, strong tasty vapor, conductive heating — and the updates here are largely practical. Whether they are worth $275, however, is up to you to decide.

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Photo Pax 3

Perhaps you’re familiar with the scene: the lights dim, the PowerPoint fires up and Apple CEO Tim Cook bounces on stage to announce the launch of some new iPhone, or tablet, or self-driving lawn mower, or something. Yet as the audience claps along feverishly, consumers at home, however, may have a singular question in mind: Is this thing worth it? Cause the old one works just fine.

It’s hard to not feel a similar pang of doubt when considering the Pax 3 – the third in the series of luxury vaporizers that look like they were designed for product placement in “The Matrix” — that was released earlier this December.

Perhaps the most noticeable changes involve speed: the battery charges in 60 minutes (as opposed to a previous 90), and the Pax 3 heats up as quickly (a maximum of 15 seconds). Like with the Pax 2, the temperature level can be controlled via the vaporizer’s single button, a 4-petal “X” that lights up pretty LED colors. This time around it also gives you a nice little buzz when it’s reached the requested temperature; a helpful addition that should prevent the Pax from vaporizing your weed when you’re not looking.

Some of the other modifications occurred on the bottom of the unit, in what Pax calls the oven. The Pax vaporizers tend to work best when the oven is full; the 3 comes with a protruded “half-oven” lid, so you don’t need to pack in as much material to get the same full taste. Furthermore, the new model also comes with a special new lid for concentrates, which unlike the other two ovens, doesn’t sit flush with the bottom of the vaporizer. With the concentrate option the Pax 3 it can be a pain to load. Our advice: stick with your CO2 vape on that front.

In conjunction with the Pax 3, the company has also released an app called Vapor that connects to the vaporizer via Bluetooth and allows you to control temperature settings and a handful of “modes,” like Stealth and Efficiency, quite easily. That’s nice, but frankly, do you really want to be spending any more time on your soul-sucking phone? (Especially when you should be enjoying some bud with your buds!)

In conclusion, the Pax 3 does a great job, and clearly the team behind it have put in the work to make the whole thing run a little smoother. But at the end of the day, the best thing about the Pax 3 may be that it’s brought the price of the Pax 2 down by 80 bucks.

TELL US, have you tried a PAX vaporizer? What was your experience?

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