
Video: Explaining Sativa vs. Indica

This short video by the New York Times quickly explores and explains the basics of sativa- and indica-dominant strains.

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Photo By Gracie Malley

For people who are still navigating the wonderful complexities of cannabis, understanding the varying characteristics between different strains and why they have different effects can be a little confusing without some explanation.

This short video by the New York Times quickly explores and explains the basics of sativa- and indica-dominant strains. Sativa is described as a taller plant with thinner leaves that produces a stimulating cerebral high and indica is known for its smaller size and relaxing physical effects. Some people have a preference for one or the other and some people enjoy both types of cannabis.

At the end of the video, the narrator claims that cannabis is the same as two other substances: caffeine and alcohol. While these sorts of comparisons often miss the mark, at least major publications are trying to shed the light on a topic many mainstream readers often miss.

Video by Axel Gerdau and Aaron Byrd.

Do you prefer sativa or indica? Tell us below.

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