
Pipe Dream Pipe Clean

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Cleaning a bong or pipe is such a dirty job that most people just never do it, they would sooner throw out a cheap glass pipe than mess with the sticky resin coated, never-cleaned glass piece.

I am not one of those people, I like to keep my pieces clean, and although other chemical cleaners work instantly, I try to keep it natural at home and avoid chemical cleaners. I have taken to cleaning my bongs with baking soda and vinegar (which, by the way, is great for irregularly shaped pieces) or salt and rubbing alcohol. It’s a dirty job, one that requires scrubbing resin off your skin with olive oil or dish soap. This is why I loved Pipe Dream Pipe Clean on just the first use.

Pipe Dream is easy to use; you just pour it over your piece, soak it overnight and then rinse away the resin in the morning. I soaked my z-neck bong and my mini-elephant pipe, whose trunk had been stuffed for days.

It was simple and effective, my elephant now breathes free and so do I after throwing in some ice and making good use of the freshly cleaned bong.

Most importantly though, Pipe Dream is the only water-based pipe cleaner on the market. It is non-flammable, biodegradable and safe. It contains no harsh chemical smells or dies, is gentle on the skin and affordable at just $15 a bottle.

Click here to purchase / $15.00

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