
Coloradan Support for Legal Marijuana Continues To Rise

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Colorado residents say legalizing cannabis has been good for the state, as reported in a recent poll.

Fifty-two percent of voters polled said they were less likely to vote for an elected official who smoked two to three times a week. Three percent said they would be more likely to vote for an official who uses marijuana and 43 percent said it would not affect their vote either way.

Those least excited about marijuana were identified as Republicans and those 65 years of age or older.

Although the majority voted in favor of marijuana, only 15 percent admitted trying it since the state legalized recreational sales on New Year’s Day. In addition, the majority of voters believe that marijuana has not made driving more dangerous and has created a positive impact on the criminal justice system, as well as increased personal freedoms.

These numbers are up from a poll last August. In the same poll, voters believed that the legalization law would lead to illegal marijuana sales across state lines. In a potential show of honesty, 15 percent said they would try marijuana after it became recreational, keeping the percentage in line with those whom have admitted to using marijuana in the new poll.

The August poll focused primarily on marijuana and gun laws, including opposition to stricter new gun control laws, and 82 percent support for requiring background checks for all gun buyers.

The new poll focused on marijuana and same sex marriage. In addition to the heightened favor of cannabis, the voters polled a support of 61 percent in favor of allowing same-sex couples to marry.

Have you seen attitudes change in your region about marijuana since legal sales began in Colorado? Tell us in the comments below!

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